Namespace Terminal.Gui
- Adornment
Adornments are a special form of View that appear outside the Viewport: Margin, Border, and Padding. They are defined using the Thickness class, which specifies the thickness of the sides of a rectangle.
- AdvanceFocusEventArgs
The event arguments for AdvanceFocus(NavigationDirection, TabBehavior?) events.
- Aligner
Aligns items within a container based on the specified Alignment. Both horizontal and vertical alignments are supported.
- AllowedType
Describes a requirement on what FileInfo can be selected. This can be combined with other IAllowedType in a FileDialog to for example show only .csv files but let user change to open any if they want.
- AllowedTypeAny
IAllowedType that allows selection of any types (.).
- AnsiEscapeSequence
Describes an Ansi escape sequence. This is a 'blueprint'. If you want to send the sequence you should instead use AnsiEscapeSequenceRequest
- AnsiEscapeSequenceRequest
Describes an ongoing ANSI request sent to the console. Use ResponseReceived to handle the response when console answers the request.
- AnsiKeyboardParser
Parses ANSI escape sequence strings that describe keyboard activity into Key.
- AnsiKeyboardParserPattern
Base class for ANSI keyboard parsing patterns.
- AnsiMouseParser
Parses mouse ansi escape sequences into MouseEventArgs including support for pressed, released and mouse wheel.
- AnsiRequestScheduler
Manages AnsiEscapeSequenceRequest made to an IAnsiResponseParser. Ensures there are not 2+ outstanding requests with the same terminator, throttles request sends to prevent console becoming unresponsive and handles evicting ignored requests (no reply from terminal).
- AppendAutocomplete
Autocomplete for a TextField which shows suggestions within the box. Displayed suggestions can be completed using the tab key.
- Application
A static, singleton class representing the application. This class is the entry point for the application.
- ApplicationImpl
Original Terminal.Gui implementation of core Application methods.
- ApplicationNavigation
Helper class for Application navigation. Held by Navigation
- ApplicationV2
Implementation of IApplication that boots the new 'v2' main loop architecture.
- AutocompleteBase
Abstract implementation of IAutocomplete allows for tailoring how autocomplete is rendered/interacted with.
- AutocompleteContext
Describes the current state of a View which is proposing autocomplete. Suggestions are based on this state.
- Axis
Renders a continuous line with grid line ticks and labels
- AxisIncrementToRender
A location on an axis of a GraphView that may or may not have a label associated with it
- Bar
Provides a horizontally or vertically oriented container for Shortcuts to be used as a menu, toolbar, or status bar.
- BarSeries
Series of bars positioned at regular intervals
- BarSeriesBar
A single bar in a BarSeries
- Button
A button View that can be pressed with the mouse or keybaord.
- CancelEventArgs<T>
EventArgs for events that convey changes to a property of type
- CellActivatedEventArgs
Defines the event arguments for CellActivated event
- CellColorGetterArgs
Arguments for a CellColorGetterDelegate. Describes a cell for which a rendering ColorScheme is being sought
- CellToggledEventArgs
Event args for the CellToggled event.
- CharMap
A scrollable map of the Unicode codepoints.
- CheckBox
Shows a check box that can be cycled between two or three states.
- CheckBoxTableSourceWrapperBase
ITableSource for a TableView which adds a checkbox column as an additional column in the table.
- CheckBoxTableSourceWrapperByIndex
Implementation of CheckBoxTableSourceWrapperBase which records toggled rows by their row number.
- CheckBoxTableSourceWrapperByObject<T>
Implementation of CheckBoxTableSourceWrapperBase which records toggled rows by a property on row objects.
- Clipboard
Provides cut, copy, and paste support for the OS clipboard.
- ClipboardBase
Shared abstract class to enforce rules from the implementation of the IClipboard interface.
- CollectionNavigator
Navigates a collection of items using keystrokes. The keystrokes are used to build a search string. The SearchString is used to find the next item in the collection that matches the search string when GetNextMatchingItem(int, char) is called.
If the user types keystrokes that can't be found in the collection, the search string is cleared and the next item is found that starts with the last keystroke.
If the user pauses keystrokes for a short time (see TypingDelay), the search string is cleared.
- CollectionNavigatorBase
Navigates a collection of items using keystrokes. The keystrokes are used to build a search string. The SearchString is used to find the next item in the collection that matches the search string when GetNextMatchingItem(int, char) is called.
If the user types keystrokes that can't be found in the collection, the search string is cleared and the next item is found that starts with the last keystroke.
If the user pauses keystrokes for a short time (see TypingDelay), the search string is cleared.
- ColorEventArgs
Event arguments for the Color events.
- ColorParseException
An exception thrown when something goes wrong when trying to parse a Color.
- ColorPicker
True color picker using HSL
- ColorPicker16
The ColorPicker16 View Color picker.
- ColorPickerStyle
Contains style settings for ColorPicker e.g. which ColorModel to use.
- ColorQuantizer
Translates colors in an image into a Palette of up to MaxColors colors (typically 256).
- ColorScheme
Defines a standard set of Attributes for common visible elements in a View.
- ColorStrings
Provides a mapping between Color and the W3C standard color name strings.
- Colors
Holds the ColorSchemes that define the Attributes that are used by views to render themselves.
- ColumnStyle
Describes how to render a given column in a TableView including Alignment and textual representation of cells (e.g. date formats) See TableView Deep Dive for more information.
- ComboBox
Provides a drop-down list of items the user can select from.
- CommandEventArgs
Event arguments for Command events.
- ConfigProperty
Holds a property's value and the PropertyInfo that allows ConfigurationManager to get and set the property's value.
- ConfigurationManager
Provides settings and configuration management for Terminal.Gui applications.
Users can set Terminal.Gui settings on a global or per-application basis by providing JSON formatted configuration files. The configuration files can be placed in at
folder in the user's home directory (e.g.C:/Users/username/.tui
, or/usr/username/.tui
), the folder where the Terminal.Gui application was launched from (e.g../.tui
), or as a resource within the Terminal.Gui application's main assembly.Settings are defined in JSON format, according to this schema:
Settings that will apply to all applications (global settings) reside in files named
Settings are applied using the following precedence (higher precedence settings overwrite lower precedence settings):config.json
. Settings that will apply to a specific Terminal.Gui application reside in files namedappname.config.json
, whereappname
is the assembly name of the application (e.g.UICatalog.config.json
).1. Application configuration found in the users' home directory (
) -- Highest precedence2. Application configuration found in the directory the app was launched from (
).3. Application configuration found in the applications' resources (
).4. Global configuration found in the user's home directory (
).5. Global configuration found in the directory the app was launched from (
).6. Global configuration in
's resources (Terminal.Gui.Resources.config.json
) -- Lowest Precedence.
- ConfigurationManagerEventArgs
Event arguments for the ConfigurationManager events.
- ConsoleDriver
Base class for Terminal.Gui IConsoleDriver implementations.
- ConsoleInput<T>
Base class for reading console input in perpetual loop
- ContentsChangedEventArgs
Event arguments for events for when the contents of the TextView change. E.g. the ContentsChanged event.
- ContextMenu
ContextMenu provides a pop-up menu that can be positioned anywhere within a View. ContextMenu is analogous to MenuBar and, once activated, works like a sub-menu of a MenuBarItem (but can be positioned anywhere).
By default, a ContextMenu with sub-menus is displayed in a cascading manner, where each sub-menu pops out of the ContextMenu frame (either to the right or left, depending on where the ContextMenu is relative to the edge of the screen). By setting UseSubMenusSingleFrame to true, this behavior can be changed such that all sub-menus are drawn within the ContextMenu frame.
ContextMenus can be activated using the Shift-F10 key (by default; use the Key to change to another key).
Callers can cause the ContextMenu to be activated on a right-mouse click (or other interaction) by calling Show(MenuBarItem?).
ContextMenus are located using screen coordinates and appear above all other Views.
- CsiKeyPattern
Detects ansi escape sequences in strings that have been read from the terminal (see IAnsiResponseParser). This pattern handles keys that begin
- cursor up
- DataTableSource
ITableSource implementation that wraps a DataTable. This class is mutable: changes are permitted to the wrapped DataTable.
- DatePicker
The DatePicker View Date Picker.
- DateTimeEventArgs<T>
Defines the event arguments for DateChanged and TimeChanged events.
- DefaultFileOperations
Default file operation handlers using modal dialogs.
- DelegateTreeBuilder<T>
Implementation of ITreeBuilder<T> that uses user defined functions
- Dialog
The Dialog View is a Window that by default is centered and contains one or more Buttons. It defaults to the
Colors.ColorSchemes ["Dialog"]
color scheme and has a 1 cell padding around the edges.
- Dim
A Dim object describes the dimensions of a View. Dim is the type of the Width and Height properties of View.
Integer values are implicitly convertible to an absolute Dim. These objects are created using the static methods described below. The Dim objects can be combined with the addition and subtraction operators.
- DimAbsolute
Represents a dimension that is a fixed size.
- DimAuto
Represents a dimension that automatically sizes the view to fit all the view's Content, SubViews, and/or Text.
- DimCombine
Represents a dimension that is a combination of two other dimensions.
- DimFill
Represents a dimension that fills the dimension, leaving the specified margin.
- DimFunc
Represents a function Dim object that computes the dimension by executing the provided function.
- DimPercent
Represents a dimension that is a percentage of the width or height of the SuperView.
- DimView
Represents a dimension that tracks the Height or Width of the specified View.
- DrawContext
Tracks the region that has been drawn during Draw(DrawContext?). This is primarily in support of Transparent.
- DrawEventArgs
Event args for draw events
- DrawTreeViewLineEventArgs<T>
Event args for the DrawLine event
- EnumerableTableSource<T>
ITableSource implementation that wraps arbitrary data.
- EscSeqReqStatus
Represents the status of an ANSI escape sequence request made to the terminal using EscSeqRequests.
- EscSeqRequests
Manages ANSI Escape Sequence requests and responses. The list of EscSeqReqStatus contains the status of the request. Each request is identified by the terminator (e.g. ESC[8t ... t is the terminator).
- EscSeqUtils
Provides a platform-independent API for managing ANSI escape sequences.
- EuclideanColorDistance
Calculates the distance between two colors using Euclidean distance in 3D RGB space. This measures the straight-line distance between the two points representing the colors.
Euclidean distance in RGB space is calculated as:
√((R2 - R1)² + (G2 - G1)² + (B2 - B1)²)
Values vary from 0 to ~441.67 linearly This distance metric is commonly used for comparing colors in RGB space, though it doesn't account for perceptual differences in color.
- EventArgs<T>
EventArgs for events that convey changes to a property of type
- FakeDriver
Implements a mock IConsoleDriver for unit testing
- FileDialog
Modal dialog for selecting files/directories. Has auto-complete and expandable navigation pane (Recent, Root drives etc).
- FileDialogStyle
Stores style settings for FileDialog.
- FileSystemColorProvider
Provides a way to get the color of a file or directory.
- FileSystemIconProvider
Determines which symbol to use to represent files and directories.
- FileSystemTreeBuilder
TreeView builder for creating file system based trees.
- FilesSelectedEventArgs
Event args for the FilesSelected event
- FillPair
Describes a pair of IFill which cooperate in creating Attribute. One gives foreground color while other gives background.
- FrameView
A non-overlapped container for other views with a border and optional title.
- Glyphs
Defines the standard set of glyphs used to draw checkboxes, lines, borders, etc...
- GrabMouseEventArgs
Args GrabMouse related events.
- Gradient
Describes a Spectrum of colors that can be combined to make a color gradient. Use BuildCoordinateColorMapping(int, int, GradientDirection) to create into gradient fill area maps.
- GradientFill
Implementation of IFill that uses a color gradient (including radial, diagonal etc.).
- GraphCellToRender
Describes how to render a single row/column of a GraphView based on the value(s) in ISeries at that location
- GraphView
View for rendering graphs (bar, scatter, etc...).
- HasFocusEventArgs
The event arguments for HasFocus events.
- HexViewEditEventArgs
Defines the event arguments for Edited event.
- HexViewEventArgs
Defines the event arguments for PositionChanged event.
- HorizontalAxis
The horizontal (x-axis) of a GraphView
- InputBindings<TEvent, TBinding>
Abstract class for KeyBindings and MouseBindings.
- InputProcessor<T>
Processes the queued input buffer contents - which must be of Type
. Is responsible for ProcessQueue() and translating into common Terminal.Gui events and data models.
- IterationEventArgs
Event arguments for the Iteration event.
- Key
Provides an abstraction for common keyboard operations and state. Used for processing keyboard input and raising keyboard events.
- KeyChangedEventArgs
Event args for when a Key is changed from one value to a new value (e.g. in HotKeyChanged)
- KeyJsonConverter
Support for Key in JSON in the form of "Ctrl-X" or "Alt-Shift-F1".
- KeystrokeNavigatorEventArgs
Event arguments for the SearchStringChanged event.
- Label
The Label View displays text that describes the View next in the SubViews. When Label receives a HotKey command it will pass it to the next View in SubViews.
- LayoutEventArgs
Event arguments for the SubViewsLaidOut event.
- LayoutException
Represents an exception that is thrown when a layout operation fails.
- LegendAnnotation
A box containing symbol definitions e.g. meanings for colors in a graph. The 'Key' to the graph
- Line
Draws a single line using the LineStyle specified by BorderStyle.
- LineCanvas
Facilitates box drawing and line intersection detection and rendering. Does not support diagonal lines.
- LineF
Describes two points in graph space and a line between them
- LineView
A straight line control either horizontal or vertical
- ListColumnStyle
Defines rendering options that affect how the view is displayed.
- ListTableSource
ITableSource implementation that wraps a IList. This class is mutable: changes are permitted to the wrapped IList.
- ListView
ListView View renders a scrollable list of data where each item can be activated to perform an action.
- ListWrapper<T>
Provides a default implementation of IListDataSource that renders ListView items using ToString().
- Logging
Singleton logging instance class. Do not use console loggers with this class as it will interfere with Terminal.Gui screen output (i.e. use a file logger).
- MainLoop
The MainLoop monitors timers and idle handlers.
- MainLoop<T>
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- MenuBar
Provides a menu bar that spans the top of a Toplevel View with drop-down and cascading menus.
By default, any sub-sub-menus (sub-menus of the MenuItems added to MenuBarItems) are displayed in a cascading manner, where each sub-sub-menu pops out of the sub-menu frame (either to the right or left, depending on where the sub-menu is relative to the edge of the screen). By setting UseSubMenusSingleFrame to true, this behavior can be changed such that all sub-sub-menus are drawn within a single frame below the MenuBar.
- MenuBarItem
MenuBarItem is a menu item on MenuBar. MenuBarItems do not support ShortcutKey.
- MenuClosingEventArgs
An EventArgs which allows passing a cancelable menu closing event.
- MenuItem
A MenuItem has title, an associated help text, and an action to execute on activation. MenuItems can also have a checked indicator (see Checked).
- MenuOpenedEventArgs
Defines arguments for the MenuOpened event
- MenuOpeningEventArgs
An EventArgs which allows passing a cancelable menu opening event or replacing with a new MenuBarItem.
- MessageBox
MessageBox displays a modal message to the user, with a title, a message and a series of options that the user can choose from.
- MouseBindings
Provides a collection of MouseBinding objects bound to a combination of MouseFlags.
- MouseEventArgs
Specifies the event arguments for MouseEventArgs. This is a higher-level construct than the wrapped MouseEventArgs class and is used for the events defined on View and subclasses of View (e.g. MouseEnter and MouseClick).
- MouseFlagsChangedEventArgs
Args for events that describe a change in MouseFlags
- MultiBarSeries
Collection of BarSeries in which bars are clustered by category
- NetInputProcessor
Input processor for NetInput, deals in ConsoleKeyInfo stream
- NetOutput
Implementation of IConsoleOutput that uses native dotnet methods e.g. Console
- NotInitializedException
Thrown when user code attempts to access a property or perform a method that is only supported after Initialization e.g. of an IMainLoop<T>
- NumericUpDown
Enables the user to increase or decrease an int by clicking on the up or down buttons.
- NumericUpDown<T>
Enables the user to increase or decrease a value with the mouse or keyboard.
- ObjectActivatedEventArgs<T>
Event args for the ObjectActivated event
- OpenDialog
The OpenDialogprovides an interactive dialog box for users to select files or directories.
- OrientationHelper
Helper class for implementing IOrientation.
- OutputBuffer
Stores the desired output state for the whole application. This is updated during draw operations before being flushed to the console as part of MainLoop<T> operation
- PathAnnotation
Sequence of lines to connect points e.g. of a ScatterSeries
- PopupAutocomplete
Renders an overlay on another view at a given point that allows selecting from a range of 'autocomplete' options.
- Pos
Describes the position of a View which can be an absolute value, a percentage, centered, or relative to the ending dimension. Integer values are implicitly convertible to an absolute Pos. These objects are created using the static methods Percent, AnchorEnd, and Center. The Pos objects can be combined with the addition and subtraction operators.
- PosAbsolute
Represents an absolute position in the layout. This is used to specify a fixed position in the layout.
- PosAlign
Enables alignment of a set of views.
- PosAnchorEnd
Represents a position anchored to the end (right side or bottom).
- PosCenter
Represents a position that is centered.
- PosCombine
Represents a position that is a combination of two other positions.
- PosFunc
Represents a position that is computed by executing a function that returns an integer position.
- PosPercent
Represents a position that is a percentage of the width or height of the SuperView.
- PosView
Represents a position that is anchored to the side of another view.
- ProgressBar
A Progress Bar view that can indicate progress of an activity visually.
- RadioGroup
Displays a group of labels with an idicator of which one is selected.
- Region
Represents a region composed of one or more rectangles, providing methods for geometric set operations such as union, intersection, exclusion, and complement. This class is designed for use in graphical or terminal-based user interfaces where regions need to be manipulated to manage screen areas, clipping, or drawing boundaries.
- RowColorGetterArgs
Arguments for RowColorGetterDelegate. Describes a row of data in a ITableSource for which ColorScheme is sought.
- RunStateEventArgs
Event arguments for events about RunState
- RuneExtensions
Extends Rune to support TUI text manipulation.
- SaveDialog
The SaveDialog provides an interactive dialog box for users to pick a file to save.
- ScatterSeries
Series composed of any number of discrete data points
- Scope<T>
Defines a configuration settings scope. Classes that inherit from this abstract class can be used to define scopes for configuration settings. Each scope is a JSON object that contains a set of configuration settings.
- ScrollBar
Indicates the size of scrollable content and controls the position of the visible content, either vertically or horizontally. Two Buttons are provided, one to scroll up or left and one to scroll down or right. Between the buttons is a ScrollSlider that can be dragged to control the position of the visible content. The ScrollSlier is sized to show the proportion of the scrollable content to the size of the Viewport.
- ScrollSlider
The ScrollSlider can be dragged with the mouse, constrained by the size of the Viewport of it's superview. The ScrollSlider can be oriented either vertically or horizontally.
- SelectedCellChangedEventArgs
Defines the event arguments for SelectedCellChanged
- SelectedItemChangedArgs
Event arguments for the SelectedItemChanged event.
- SelectionChangedEventArgs<T>
Event arguments describing a change in selected object in a tree view
- SerializableConfigurationProperty
An attribute that can be applied to a property to indicate that it should be included in the configuration file.
- SettingsScope
The root object of Terminal.Gui configuration settings / JSON schema. Contains only properties attributed with SettingsScope.
- Shortcut
Displays a command, help text, and a key binding. When the key specified by Key is pressed, the command will be invoked. Useful for displaying a command in Bar such as a menu, toolbar, or status bar.
- SingleWordSuggestionGenerator
ISuggestionGenerator which suggests from a collection of words those that match the AutocompleteContext. You can update AllSuggestions at any time to change candidates considered for autocomplete.
- SixelEncoder
Encodes a images into the sixel console image output format.
- SixelSupportDetector
Uses Ansi escape sequences to detect whether sixel is supported by the terminal.
- SixelSupportResult
Describes the discovered state of sixel support and ancillary information e.g. Resolution. You can use any SixelSupportDetector to discover this information.
- SixelToRender
Describes a request to render a given SixelData at a given ScreenPosition. Requires that the terminal and IConsoleDriver both support sixel.
- SizeChangedEventArgs
Args for events about Size (e.g. Resized)
- Slider
Slider control.
- SliderAttributes
Slider<T> Legend Style
- SliderOptionEventArgs
EventArgs for Slider<T> SliderOption<T> events.
- SliderOption<T>
Represents an option in a Slider<T> .
- SliderStyle
Slider<T> Style
- Slider<T>
Provides a slider control letting the user navigate from a set of typed options in a linear manner using the keyboard or mouse.
- SpinnerStyle
SpinnerStyles used in a SpinnerView.
- SpinnerView
A View which displays (by default) a spinning line character.
- SplitterEventArgs
Provides data for TileView events.
- Ss3Pattern
Parser for SS3 terminal escape sequences. These describe specific keys e.g.
is F1.
- StackExtensions
Extension of Stack<T> helper to work with specific IEqualityComparer<T>
- StatusBar
A status bar is a View that snaps to the bottom of a Toplevel displaying set of Shortcuts. The StatusBar should be context sensitive. This means, if the main menu and an open text editor are visible, the items probably shown will be ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Save ~F3~ Load. While a dialog to ask a file to load is executed, the remaining commands will probably be ~F1~ Help. So for each context must be a new instance of a status bar.
- StepChangeEventArgs
EventArgs for WizardStep events.
- StraightLine
A line between two points on a horizontal or vertical Orientation and a given style/color.
- StraightLineExtensions
Extension methods for StraightLine (including collections).
- StringExtensions
Extensions to string to support TUI text manipulation.
- Suggestion
A replacement suggestion made by IAutocomplete
- SuperViewChangedEventArgs
Args for events where the SuperView of a View is changed (e.g. Removed / View.IsAddedChanged events).
- TabChangedEventArgs
Describes a change in SelectedTab
- TabView
Control that hosts multiple sub views, presenting a single one at once.
- TableCollectionNavigator
Collection navigator for cycling selections in a TableView.
- TableSelection
Describes a selected region of the table
- TableStyle
Defines rendering options that affect how the table is displayed. See TableView Deep Dive for more information.
- TableView
View for tabular data based on a ITableSource. See TableView Deep Dive for more information.
- TextAnnotation
Displays text at a given position (in screen space or graph space)
- TextFieldAutocomplete
Renders an overlay on another view at a given point that allows selecting from a range of 'autocomplete' options. An implementation on a TextField.
- TextFormatter
Provides text formatting. Supports HotKeys, horizontal and vertical alignment, text direction, multiple lines, and word-based line wrap.
- TextValidateField
Text field that validates input through a ITextValidateProvider
- TextViewAutocomplete
Renders an overlay on another view at a given point that allows selecting from a range of 'autocomplete' options. An implementation on a TextView.
- ThemeManager
Contains a dictionary of the Themes for a Terminal.Gui application.
- ThemeManagerEventArgs
Event arguments for the ThemeManager events.
- ThemeScope
The root object for a Theme. A Theme is a set of settings that are applied to the running Application as a group.
- Tile
A single ContentView presented in a TileView. To create new instances use RebuildForTileCount(int) or InsertTile(int).
- TimedEvents
Handles timeouts and idles
- Timeout
Provides data for timers running manipulation.
- TimeoutEventArgs
EventArgs for timeout events (e.g. TimeoutAdded)
- Toplevel
Toplevel views are used for both an application's main view (filling the entire screen and for modal (pop-up) views such as Dialog, MessageBox, and Wizard).
- ToplevelEqualityComparer
Implements the IEqualityComparer<T> for comparing two Toplevels used by StackExtensions.
- ToplevelEventArgs
Args for events that relate to a specific Toplevel.
- ToplevelTransitionManager
Handles bespoke behaviours that occur when application top level changes.
- TreeBuilder<T>
Abstract implementation of ITreeBuilder<T>.
- TreeNodeBuilder
ITreeBuilder<T> implementation for ITreeNode objects
- TreeStyle
Defines rendering options that affect how the tree is displayed.
- TreeTableSource<T>
An ITableSource with expandable rows.
- TreeView
Convenience implementation of generic TreeView<T> for any tree were all nodes implement ITreeNode. See TreeView Deep Dive for more information.
- TreeViewTextFilter<T>
ITreeViewFilter<T> implementation which searches the AspectGetter of the model for the given Text.
- TreeView<T>
Hierarchical tree view with expandable branches. Branch objects are dynamically determined when expanded using a user defined ITreeBuilder<T>. See TreeView Deep Dive for more information.
- UnicodeRange
Represents all of the Uniicode ranges.from System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange plus the non-BMP ranges not included.
- VerticalAxis
The vertical (i.e. Y axis) of a GraphView
- View
View is the base class all visible elements. View can render itself and contains zero or more nested views, called SubViews. View provides basic functionality for layout, arrangement, and drawing. In addition, View provides keyboard and mouse event handling.
See the View Deep Dive for more.
- ViewEventArgs
Args for events that relate to specific View
- W3CColors
Helper class that resolves w3c color names to their hex values Based on
- Window
An overlapped container for other views with a border and optional title.
- Wizard
Provides navigation and a user interface (UI) to collect related data across multiple steps. Each step ( WizardStep) can host arbitrary Views, much like a Dialog. Each step also has a pane for help text. Along the bottom of the Wizard view are customizable buttons enabling the user to navigate forward and backward through the Wizard.
- WizardButtonEventArgs
EventArgs for WizardStep transition events.
- WizardStep
Represents a basic step that is displayed in a Wizard. The WizardStep view is divided horizontally in two. On the left is the content view where Views can be added, On the right is the help for the step. Set HelpText to set the help text. If the help text is empty the help pane will not be shown. If there are no Views added to the WizardStep the HelpText (if not empty) will fill the wizard step.
- Attribute
Attributes represent how text is styled when displayed in the terminal.
- Cell
Represents a single row/column in a Terminal.Gui rendering surface (e.g. LineCanvas and IConsoleDriver).
- CellEventArgs
Args for events that relate to a specific Cell.
- Color
Represents a 24-bit color encoded in ARGB32 format.
- CommandContext<TBinding>
Provides context for a Command invocation.
- KeyBinding
Provides a collection of Command objects stored in KeyBindings.
- MouseBinding
Provides a collection of MouseFlags bound to Commands.
- Thickness
Describes the thickness of a frame around a rectangle. Four int values describe the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom sides of the rectangle, respectively.
- IAllowedType
Interface for FileDialog restrictions on which file type(s) the user is allowed to select/enter.
- IAnnotation
Describes an overlay element that is rendered either before or after a series.
Annotations can be positioned either in screen space (e.g. a legend) or in graph space (e.g. a line showing high point)
Unlike ISeries, annotations are allowed to draw into graph margins
- IAnsiResponseParser
When implemented in a derived class, allows watching an input stream of characters (i.e. console input) for ANSI response sequences (mouse input, cursor, query responses etc.).
- IApplication
Interface for instances that provide backing functionality to static gateway class Application.
- IAutocomplete
Renders an overlay on another view at a given point that allows selecting from a range of 'autocomplete' options.
- IClipboard
Definition to interact with the OS clipboard.
- IColorDistance
Interface for algorithms that compute the relative distance between pairs of colors. This is used for color matching to a limited palette, such as in Sixel rendering.
- IColorNameResolver
When implemented by a class, allows mapping Color to human understandable name (e.g. w3c color names) and vice versa.
- ICommandContext
Describes the context in which a Command is being invoked. CommandContext<TBinding> inherits from this interface. When a Command is invoked, a context object is passed to Command handlers as an ICommandContext reference.
- IConsoleDriver
Base interface for Terminal.Gui ConsoleDriver implementations.
- IConsoleDriverFacade
Interface for v2 driver abstraction layer
- IConsoleInput<T>
Interface for reading console input indefinitely - i.e. in an infinite loop. The class is responsible only for reading and storing the input in a thread safe input buffer which is then processed downstream e.g. on main UI thread.
- IConsoleOutput
Interface for writing console output
- ICustomColorFormatter
An interface to support custom formatting and parsing of Color values.
- IDesignable
Interface declaring common functionality useful for designer implementations.
- IEnumerableTableSource<T>
Interface for all ITableSource which present an object per row (of type
- IFileOperations
Interface for defining how to handle file/directory deletion, rename and newing attempts in FileDialog.
- IFill
Describes an area fill (e.g. solid color or gradient).
- IInputBinding
Describes an input binding. Used to bind a set of Command objects to a specific input event.
- IInputProcessor
Interface for main loop class that will process the queued input buffer contents. Is responsible for ProcessQueue() and translating into common Terminal.Gui events and data models.
- IKeyConverter<T>
Interface for subcomponent of a InputProcessor<T> which can translate the raw console input type T (which typically varies by driver) to the shared Terminal.Gui Key class.
- IListDataSource
Implement IListDataSource to provide custom rendering for a ListView.
- IMainLoopCoordinator
Interface for main Terminal.Gui loop manager in v2.
- IMainLoop<T>
Interface for main loop that runs the core Terminal.Gui UI loop.
- IOrientation
Implement this interface to provide orientation support.
- IOutputBuffer
Describes the screen state that you want the console to be in. Is designed to be drawn to repeatedly then manifest into the console once at the end of iteration after all drawing is finalized.
- IPaletteBuilder
Builds a palette of a given size for a given set of input colors.
- ISearchMatcher
Defines whether a given file/directory matches a set of search terms.
- ISuggestionGenerator
Generates autocomplete Suggestion based on a given cursor location within a string
- ITableSource
Tabular matrix of data to be displayed in a TableView.
- ITimedEvents
Manages timers and idles
- IToplevelTransitionManager
Interface for class that handles bespoke behaviours that occur when application top level changes.
- ITreeBuilder<T>
Interface for supplying data to a TreeView<T> on demand as root level nodes are expanded by the user
- ITreeNode
Interface to implement when you want the regular (non-generic) TreeView to automatically determine children for your class (without having to specify an ITreeBuilder<T>)
- ITreeView
Interface for all non-generic members of TreeView<T>. See TreeView Deep Dive for more information.
- ITreeViewFilter<T>
Provides filtering for a TreeView.
- IWindowSizeMonitor
Interface for classes responsible for reporting the current size of the terminal window.
- AddOrSubtract
Describes whether an operation should add or subtract values.
- Alignment
Determines the position of items when arranged in a container.
- AlignmentModes
Determines alignment modes for Alignment.
- AnsiColorCode
The 16 foreground color codes used by ANSI Esc sequences for 256 color terminals. Add 10 to these values for background color.
- AnsiResponseParserState
Describes the current state of an IAnsiResponseParser
- BorderSettings
Determines the settings for Border.
- CheckState
Represents the state of a CheckBox.
- ColorModel
Describes away of modelling color e.g. Hue Saturation Lightness.
- ColorName16
Defines the 16 legacy color names and values that can be used to set the foreground and background colors in Terminal.Gui apps. Used with Color.
- ConfigLocations
Describes the location of the configuration files. The constants can be combined (bitwise) to specify multiple locations. The more significant the bit, the higher the priority meaning that the last location will override the earlier ones.
- CursorVisibility
Terminal Cursor Visibility settings.
- DimAutoStyle
Specifies how Auto(DimAutoStyle, Dim?, Dim?) will compute the dimension.
- DimPercentMode
Indicates the mode for a DimPercent object.
- EscSeqUtils.ClearScreenOptions
Options for ANSI ESC "[xJ" - Clears part of the screen.
- EscSeqUtils.DECSCUSR_Style
Styles for ANSI ESC "[x q" - Set Cursor Style
- GradientDirection
Describes the pattern that a Gradient results in e.g. Vertical, Horizontal etc
- HighlightStyle
Describes the highlight style of a view when the mouse is over it.
- KeyCode
The KeyCode enumeration encodes key information from IConsoleDrivers and provides a consistent way for application code to specify keys and receive key events.
The Key class provides a higher-level abstraction, with helper methods and properties for common operations. For example, IsAlt and IsCtrl provide a convenient way to check whether the Alt or Ctrl modifier keys were pressed when a key was pressed.
- LineStyle
Defines the style of lines for a LineCanvas.
- MenuItemCheckStyle
Specifies how a MenuItem shows selection state.
- MouseFlags
Mouse flags reported in MouseEventArgs.
- NavigationDirection
Indicates navigation direction.
- Orientation
Direction of an element (horizontal or vertical)
- ProgressBarFormat
Specifies the format that a ProgressBar uses to indicate the visual presentation.
- ProgressBarStyle
Specifies the style that a ProgressBar uses to indicate the progress of an operation.
- RegionOp
Specifies the operation to perform when combining two regions or a Region with a Rectangle>, defining how their rectangular areas are merged, intersected, or subtracted.
- ShadowStyle
Defines the style of shadow to be drawn on the right and bottom sides of the View.
- SliderType
Slider<T> Types
- TabBehavior
Describes how TabStop behaves. A TabStop is a stop-point for keyboard navigation between Views.
- TextDirection
Text direction enumeration, controls how text is displayed.
- ViewArrangement
Describes what user actions are enabled for arranging a View within it's SuperView . See Arrangement.
- ViewDiagnosticFlags
Enables diagnostic functions for View.
- ViewportSettings
Settings for how the Viewport behaves.
- AspectGetterDelegate<T>
Delegates of this type are used to fetch string representations of user's model objects
- CellColorGetterDelegate
Delegate for providing color to TableView cells based on the value being rendered
- LabelGetterDelegate
Delegate for custom formatting of axis labels. Determines what should be displayed at a given label
- RowColorGetterDelegate
Delegate for providing color for a whole row of a TableView
- SplitterEventHandler
Represents a method that will handle splitter events.
- View.CommandImplementation
Function signature commands.