Class DrawTreeViewLineEventArgs<T>
Event args for the DrawLine event
public class DrawTreeViewLineEventArgs<T> where T : class
Type Parameters
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Cells
The rune and color of each symbol that will be rendered. Note that only Normal is respected. You can modify these to change what is rendered.
- Handled
Set to true to cancel drawing (e.g. if you have already manually drawn content).
- IndexOfExpandCollapseSymbol
If line contains a branch that can be expanded/collapsed then this is the index in Cells at which the symbol is (or null for leaf elements).
- IndexOfModelText
The notional index in Cells which contains the first character of the AspectGetter text (i.e. after all branch lines and expansion/collapse symbols).
- Model
The object at this line in the tree
- Tree
The TreeView<T> that is performing the rendering.
- Y
The line within tree view bounds that is being rendered