Class WizardStep
Represents a basic step that is displayed in a Wizard. The WizardStep view is divided horizontally in two. On the left is the content view where Views can be added, On the right is the help for the step. Set HelpText to set the help text. If the help text is empty the help pane will not be shown. If there are no Views added to the WizardStep the HelpText (if not empty) will fill the wizard step.
public class WizardStep : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
If Buttons are added, do not set IsDefault to true as this will conflict with the Next button of the Wizard. Subscribe to the VisibleChanged event to be notified when the step is active; see also: StepChanged. To enable or disable a step from being shown to the user, set Enabled.
- WizardStep()
Initializes a new instance of the Wizard class.
- BackButtonText
Sets or gets the text for the back button. The back button will only be visible on steps after the first step.
- HelpText
Sets or gets help text for the WizardStep.If HelpText is empty the help pane will not be visible and the content will fill the entire WizardStep.
- NextButtonText
Sets or gets the text for the next/finish button.
- Add(View?)
Add the specified View to the WizardStep.
- Remove(View?)
Removes a View from WizardStep.
- RemoveAll()
Removes all Views from the WizardStep.