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Method DrawHotString


DrawHotString(string, Attribute, Attribute)

Utility function to draw strings that contain a hotkey.

public void DrawHotString(string text, Attribute hotColor, Attribute normalColor)


text string

String to display, the hotkey specifier before a letter flags the next letter as the hotkey.

hotColor Attribute

Hot color.

normalColor Attribute

Normal color.


The hotkey is any character following the hotkey specifier, which is the underscore ('_') character by default.

The hotkey specifier can be changed via HotKeySpecifier

DrawHotString(string, bool)

Utility function to draw strings that contains a hotkey using a ColorScheme and the "focused" state.

public void DrawHotString(string text, bool focused)


text string

String to display, the underscore before a letter flags the next letter as the hotkey.

focused bool

If set to true this uses the focused colors from the color scheme, otherwise the regular ones.