Class Button
A button View that can be pressed with the mouse or keybaord.
public class Button : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize, IDesignable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
The Button will raise the Accepting event when the user presses HotKey,
, or Space
or clicks on the button with the mouse.
Use HotKeySpecifier to change the hot key specifier from the default of ('_').
Button can act as the default Accept handler for all peer-Views. See IsDefault.
Set WantContinuousButtonPressed to true to have the Accepting event invoked repeatedly while the button is pressed.
- DefaultHighlightStyle
Gets or sets the default Highlight Style.
- DefaultShadow
Gets or sets whether Buttons are shown with a shadow effect by default.
- HotKeySpecifier
Gets or sets the specifier character for the hot key (e.g. '_'). Set to '\xffff' to disable automatic hot key setting support for this View instance. The default is '\xffff'.
- IsDefault
Gets or sets whether the Button will act as the default handler for Accept commands on the SuperView.
- NoDecorations
Gets or sets whether the Button will show decorations or not. If true the glyphs that normally bracket the Button Title and the IsDefault indicator will not be shown.
- NoPadding
Gets or sets whether the Button will include padding on each side of the Title.
- WantContinuousButtonPressed
Gets or sets whether the View wants continuous button pressed events.
- EnableForDesign()
Causes the View to enable design-time mode. This typically means that the view will load demo data and be configured to allow for design-time manipulation.
- PositionCursor()
Positions the cursor in the right position based on the currently focused view in the chain.
- UpdateTextFormatterText()
Can be overridden if the Text has different format than the default.