Class Wizard
Provides navigation and a user interface (UI) to collect related data across multiple steps. Each step ( WizardStep) can host arbitrary Views, much like a Dialog. Each step also has a pane for help text. Along the bottom of the Wizard view are customizable buttons enabling the user to navigate forward and backward through the Wizard.
public class Wizard : Dialog, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
using Terminal.Gui;
using System.Text;
var wizard = new Wizard ($"Setup Wizard");
// Add 1st step
var firstStep = new WizardStep ("End User License Agreement");
firstStep.NextButtonText = "Accept!";
firstStep.HelpText = "This is the End User License Agreement.";
// Add 2nd step
var secondStep = new WizardStep ("Second Step");
secondStep.HelpText = "This is the help text for the Second Step.";
var lbl = new Label () { Text = "Name:" };
var name = new TextField { X = Pos.Right (lbl) + 1, Width = Dim.Fill () - 1 };
wizard.Finished += (args) =>
MessageBox.Query("Wizard", $"Finished. The Name entered is '{name.Text}'", "Ok");
Application.Top.Add (wizard);
Application.Run ();
Application.Shutdown ();
The Wizard can be displayed either as a modal (pop-up) Window (like Dialog) or as
an embedded View. By default, Modal is true
. In this case launch the
Wizard with Application.Run(wizard)
. See Modal for more details.
- BackButton
If the CurrentStep is not the first step in the wizard, this button causes the MovingBack event to be fired and the wizard moves to the previous step.
- CurrentStep
Gets or sets the currently active WizardStep.
- Modal
Determines whether the Wizard is displayed as modal pop-up or not. The default is true. The Wizard will be shown with a frame and title and will behave like any Toplevel window. If set to
the Wizard will have no frame and will behave like any embedded View. To use Wizard as an embedded View- Set Modal to
. - Add the Wizard to a containing view with Add(View?).
wizard.CurrentStep = wizard.GetNextStep();
- Set Modal to
- NextFinishButton
If the CurrentStep is the last step in the wizard, this button causes the Finished event to be fired and the wizard to close. If the step is not the last step, the MovingNext event will be fired and the wizard will move next step.
- AddStep(WizardStep)
Adds a step to the wizard. The Next and Back buttons navigate through the added steps in the order they were added.
- GetFirstStep()
Returns the first enabled step in the Wizard
- GetLastStep()
Returns the last enabled step in the Wizard
- GetNextStep()
Returns the next enabled WizardStep after the current step. Takes into account steps which are disabled. If CurrentStep is
returns the first enabled step.
- GetPreviousStep()
Returns the first enabled WizardStep before the current step. Takes into account steps which are disabled. If CurrentStep is
returns the last enabled step.
- GoBack()
Causes the wizard to move to the previous enabled step (or first step if CurrentStep is not set). If there is no previous step, does nothing.
- GoNext()
Causes the wizard to move to the next enabled step (or last step if CurrentStep is not set). If there is no previous step, does nothing.
- GoToStep(WizardStep?)
Changes to the specified WizardStep.
- OnKeyDownNotHandled(Key)
Wizard is derived from Dialog and Dialog causes
to call RequestStop(Toplevel?), closing the Dialog. Wizard overrides OnKeyDownNotHandled(Key) to instead fire the Cancelled event when Wizard is being used as a non-modal (see Modal).
- OnStepChanged(WizardStep?, WizardStep?)
Called when the Wizard has completed transition to a new WizardStep. Fires the StepChanged event.
- OnStepChanging(WizardStep?, WizardStep?)
Called when the Wizard is about to transition to another WizardStep. Fires the StepChanging event.
- Cancelled
Raised when the user has cancelled the Wizard by pressing the Esc key. To prevent a modal ( Modal is
) Wizard from closing, cancel the event by setting Cancel totrue
before returning from the event handler.
- Finished
Raised when the Next/Finish button in the Wizard is clicked. The Next/Finish button is always the last button in the array of Buttons passed to the Wizard constructor, if any. This event is only raised if the CurrentStep is the last Step in the Wizard flow (otherwise the Finished event is raised).
- MovingBack
Raised when the Back button in the Wizard is clicked. The Back button is always the first button in the array of Buttons passed to the Wizard constructor, if any.
- MovingNext
Raised when the Next/Finish button in the Wizard is clicked (or the user presses Enter). The Next/Finish button is always the last button in the array of Buttons passed to the Wizard constructor, if any. This event is only raised if the CurrentStep is the last Step in the Wizard flow (otherwise the Finished event is raised).
- StepChanged
This event is raised after the Wizard has changed the CurrentStep.
- StepChanging
This event is raised when the current CurrentStep) is about to change. Use Cancel to abort the transition.