Class TileView
public class TileView : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- TileView()
Creates a new instance of the TileView class with 2 tiles (i.e. left and right).
- TileView(int)
Creates a new instance of the TileView class with
number of tiles.
- LineStyle
The line style to use when drawing the splitter lines.
- Orientation
Orientation of the dividing line (Horizontal or Vertical).
- SplitterDistances
The splitter locations. Note that there will be N-1 splitters where N is the number of Tiles.
- Tiles
The sub sections hosted by the view
- ToggleResizable
The keyboard key that the user can press to toggle resizing of splitter lines. Mouse drag splitting is always enabled.
- Dispose(bool)
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
- GetParentTileView()
Returns the immediate parent TileView of this. Note that in case of deep nesting this might not be the root TileView. Returns null if this instance is not a nested child (created with TrySplitTile(int, int, out TileView))
- IndexOf(View, bool)
Returns the index of the first Tile in Tiles which contains
- InsertTile(int)
Adds a new Tile to the collection at
. This will also add another splitter line
- IsRootTileView()
true if TileView is nested within a parent TileView e.g. via the TrySplitTile(int, int, out TileView). false if it is a root level TileView.
- OnDrawComplete(DrawContext?)
Called when the View is completed drawing.
- OnDrawingAdornments()
Overridden so no Frames get drawn
- OnKeyDownNotHandled(Key)
Called when the user has pressed key it wasn't handled by KeyDown and was not bound to a key binding.
- OnRenderingLineCanvas()
Called when the LineCanvas is to be rendered. See RenderLineCanvas().
- OnSplitterMoved(int)
Raises the SplitterMoved event
- RebuildForTileCount(int)
Scraps all Tiles and creates
new tiles in orientation Orientation
- RemoveTile(int)
Removes a Tiles at the provided
from the view. Returns the removed tile or null if already empty.
- SetSplitterPos(int, Pos)
Attempts to update the SplitterDistances of line at
to the newvalue
. Returns false if the new position is not allowed because of MinSize, location of other splitters etc.Only absolute values (e.g. 10) and percent values (i.e. Percent(int)) are supported for this property.
- TrySplitTile(int, int, out TileView)
Converts of Tiles element
from a regular View to a new nested TileView the specifiednumberOfPanels
. Returns false if the element already contains a nested view.
- SplitterMoved
Invoked when any of the SplitterDistances is changed.