Class TabView
Control that hosts multiple sub views, presenting a single one at once.
public class TabView : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- DefaultMaxTabTextWidth
The default MaxTabTextWidth to set on new TabView controls.
- MaxTabTextWidth
The maximum number of characters to render in a Tab header. This prevents one long tab from pushing out all the others.
- SelectedTab
The currently selected member of Tabs chosen by the user.
- Style
Render choices for how to display tabs. After making changes, call ApplyStyleChanges().
- TabScrollOffset
When there are too many tabs to render, this indicates the first tab to render on the screen.
- Tabs
All tabs currently hosted by the control.
- AddTab(Tab, bool)
Adds the given
to Tabs.
- ApplyStyleChanges()
Updates the control to use the latest state settings in Style. This can change the size of the client area of the tab (for rendering the selected tab's content). This method includes a call to SetNeedsDraw().
- Dispose(bool)
Disposes the control and all Tabs.
- EnsureSelectedTabIsVisible()
Updates TabScrollOffset to ensure that SelectedTab is visible.
- EnsureValidScrollOffsets(int)
Updates TabScrollOffset to be a valid index of Tabs.
- OnHasFocusChanged(bool, View?, View?)
Invoked after HasFocus has changed. This method is called before the HasFocusChanged event is raised.
- OnSelectedTabChanged(Tab, Tab)
Raises the SelectedTabChanged event.
- OnViewportChanged(DrawEventArgs)
Called when the Viewport changes. Invokes the ViewportChanged event.
- RemoveTab(Tab?)
Removes the given
from Tabs. Caller is responsible for disposing the tab's hosted View if appropriate.
- SwitchTabBy(int)
Changes the SelectedTab by the given
. Positive for right, negative for left. If no tab is currently selected then the first tab will become selected.
- SelectedTabChanged
Event for when SelectedTab changes.
- TabClicked
Event fired when a Tab is clicked. Can be used to cancel navigation, show context menu (e.g. on right click) etc.