Enum KeyCode
The KeyCode enumeration encodes key information from IConsoleDrivers and provides a consistent way for application code to specify keys and receive key events.
The Key class provides a higher-level abstraction, with helper methods and properties for common operations. For example, IsAlt and IsCtrl provide a convenient way to check whether the Alt or Ctrl modifier keys were pressed when a key was pressed.
public enum KeyCode : uint
A = 65
The key code for the A key
AltMask = 2147483648
When this value is set, the Key encodes the sequence Alt-KeyValue. The actual value must be extracted by removing the AltMask.
B = 66
The key code for the B key
Backspace = 8
Backspace key.
C = 67
The key code for the C key
CharMask = 1048575
Mask that indicates that the key is a unicode codepoint. Values outside this range indicate the key has shift modifiers or is a special key like function keys, arrows keys and so on.
Clear = 12
The key code for the clear key.
CtrlMask = 1073741824
When this value is set, the Key encodes the sequence Ctrl-KeyValue. The actual value must be extracted by removing the CtrlMask.
CursorDown = 1114151
Cursor down key.
CursorLeft = 1114148
Cursor left key.
CursorRight = 1114150
Cursor right key.
CursorUp = 1114149
Cursor up key
D = 68
The key code for the D key
D0 = 48
Digit 0.
D1 = 49
Digit 1.
D2 = 50
Digit 2.
D3 = 51
Digit 3.
D4 = 52
Digit 4.
D5 = 53
Digit 5.
D6 = 54
Digit 6.
D7 = 55
Digit 7.
D8 = Backspace | D0
Digit 8.
D9 = 57
Digit 9.
Delete = 1114157
Delete (DEL) key.
E = 69
The key code for the E key
End = 1114146
End key.
Enter = 13
The key code for the return key.
Esc = 27
The key code for the escape key.
F = 70
The key code for the F key
F1 = B | Delete
F1 key.
F10 = Backspace | F2
F10 key.
F11 = 1114233
F11 key.
F12 = 1114234
F12 key.
F13 = 1114235
F13 key.
F14 = 1114236
F14 key.
F15 = 1114237
F15 key.
F16 = 1114238
F16 key.
F17 = 1114239
F17 key.
F18 = 1114240
F18 key.
F19 = 1114241
F19 key.
F2 = P | PageUp
F2 key.
F20 = 1114242
F20 key.
F21 = 1114243
F21 key.
F22 = 1114244
F22 key.
F23 = 1114245
F23 key.
F24 = 1114246
F24 key.
F3 = 1114225
F3 key.
F4 = 1114226
F4 key.
F5 = 1114227
F5 key.
F6 = 1114228
F6 key.
F7 = 1114229
F7 key.
F8 = 1114230
F8 key.
F9 = 1114231
F9 key.
G = 71
The key code for the G key
H = 72
The key code for the H key
Home = 1114147
Home key.
I = 73
The key code for the I key
Insert = Backspace | CursorLeft
Insert (INS) key.
J = 74
The key code for the J key
K = 75
The key code for the K key
L = 76
The key code for the L key
M = 77
The key code for the M key
MaxCodePoint = 1114111
The maximum Unicode codepoint value. Used to encode the non-alphanumeric control keys.
N = 78
The key code for the N key
Null = 0
The key code representing an invalid or empty key.
O = 79
The key code for the O key
P = 80
The key code for the P key
PageDown = 1114145
Page Down key.
PageUp = 1114144
Page Up key.
PrintScreen = Backspace | Home
Print screen character key.
Q = 81
The key code for the Q key
R = 82
The key code for the R key
S = 83
The key code for the S key
ShiftMask = 268435456
When this value is set, the Key encodes the sequence Shift-KeyValue. The actual value must be extracted by removing the ShiftMask.
Space = 32
The key code for the space bar key.
SpecialMask = 4293918720
If the SpecialMask is set, then the value is that of the special mask, otherwise, the value is in the lower bits (as extracted by CharMask).
T = 84
The key code for the T key
Tab = 9
The key code for the tab key (forwards tab key).
U = 85
The key code for the U key
V = 86
The key code for the V key
W = 87
The key code for the W key
X = Backspace | P
The key code for the X key
Y = 89
The key code for the Y key
Z = 90
The key code for the Z key
Lowercase alpha keys are encoded as values between 65 and 90 corresponding to the un-shifted A to Z keys on a keyboard. Enum values are provided for these (e.g. A, B, etc.). Even though the values are the same as the ASCII values for uppercase characters, these enum values represent *lowercase*, un-shifted characters.
Numeric keys are the values between 48 and 57 corresponding to 0 to 9 (e.g. D0, D1, etc.).
The shift modifiers (ShiftMask, CtrlMask, and AltMask) can be combined (with logical or) with the other key codes to represent shifted keys. For example, the A enum value represents the un-shifted 'a' key, while ShiftMask | A represents the 'A' key (shifted 'a' key). Likewise, AltMask | A represents the 'Alt+A' key combination.
All other keys that produce a printable character are encoded as the Unicode value of the character. For example, the KeyCode for the '!' character is 33, which is the Unicode value for '!'. Likewise, `â` is 226, `Â` is 194, etc.
If the SpecialMask is set, then the value is that of the special mask, otherwise, the value is the one of the lower bits (as extracted by CharMask).