Table of Contents

Enum Alignment


Determines the position of items when arranged in a container.

public enum Alignment
Extension Methods


Center = 2

Center in the available space.

If centering is not possible, the group will be left-aligned.

Extra space will be distributed between the items, biased towards the left.

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End = 1

The items will be aligned to the end (right or bottom) of the container.

If the container is smaller than the total size of the items, the start items will be clipped (their locations will be negative).

The AlignmentModes enumeration provides additional options for aligning items in a container.

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Fill = 3

The items will fill the available space.

Extra space will be distributed between the items, biased towards the end.

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Start = 0

The items will be aligned to the start (left or top) of the container.

If the container is smaller than the total size of the items, the end items will be clipped (their locations will be greater than the container size).

The AlignmentModes enumeration provides additional options for aligning items in a container.

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