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Enum DimAutoStyle


Specifies how Auto(DimAutoStyle, Dim?, Dim?) will compute the dimension.

public enum DimAutoStyle
Extension Methods


Auto = Content | Text

The dimension will be computed using the largest of the view's Text, GetContentSize(), and Subviews corresponding dimension

Content = 1

The dimensions will be computed based on the View's GetContentSize() and/or Subviews.

If ContentSizeTracksViewport is true, GetContentSize() will be used to determine the dimension.

Otherwise, the Subview in Subviews with the largest corresponding position plus dimension will determine the dimension.

The corresponding dimension of the view's Text will be ignored.

Text = 2

The corresponding dimension of the view's Text, formatted using the TextFormatter settings, will be used to determine the dimension.

The corresponding dimensions of GetContentSize() and/or Subviews will be ignored.

If MaximumContentDim is set, the dimension will be the maximum of the formatted text and the dimension provided by MaximumContentDim. Otherwise, the dimension will be that of the formatted text.