Class TextView
Multi-line text editing View.
public class TextView : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
TextView provides a multi-line text editor. Users interact with it with the standard Windows, Mac, and Linux (Emacs) commands.
Shortcut | Action performed |
Left cursor, Control-b | Moves the editing point left. |
Right cursor, Control-f | Moves the editing point right. |
Alt-b | Moves one word back. |
Alt-f | Moves one word forward. |
Up cursor, Control-p | Moves the editing point one line up. |
Down cursor, Control-n | Moves the editing point one line down |
Home key, Control-a | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. |
End key, Control-e | Moves the cursor to the end of the line. |
Control-Home | Scrolls to the first line and moves the cursor there. |
Control-End | Scrolls to the last line and moves the cursor there. |
Delete, Control-d | Deletes the character in front of the cursor. |
Backspace | Deletes the character behind the cursor. |
Control-k | Deletes the text until the end of the line and replaces the kill buffer with the deleted text. You can paste this text in a different place by using Control-y. |
Control-y | Pastes the content of the kill ring into the current position. |
Alt-d | Deletes the word above the cursor and adds it to the kill ring. You can paste the contents of the kill ring with Control-y. |
Control-q | Quotes the next input character, to prevent the normal processing of key handling to take place. |
- TextView()
Initializes a TextView on the specified area, with dimensions controlled with the X, Y, Width and Height properties.
- AllowsReturn
Gets or sets whether pressing ENTER in a TextView creates a new line of text in the view or invokes the Accepting event.
- AllowsTab
Gets or sets whether the TextView inserts a tab character into the text or ignores tab input. If set to
and the user presses the tab key (or shift-tab) the focus will move to the next view (or previous with shift-tab). The default istrue
; if the user presses the tab key, a tab character will be inserted into the text.
- Autocomplete
Provides autocomplete context menu based on suggestions at the current cursor position. Configure SuggestionGenerator to enable this feature
- ContextMenu
Get the ContextMenu for this view.
- CurrentColumn
Gets the cursor column.
- CurrentRow
Gets the current cursor row.
- CursorPosition
Sets or gets the current cursor position.
- HasHistoryChanges
Indicates whatever the text has history changes or not. true if the text has history changes false otherwise.
- InheritsPreviousAttribute
If true and the current Attribute is null will inherit from the previous, otherwise if false (default) do nothing. If the text is load with Load(List<Cell>) this property is automatically sets to true.
- IsDirty
Indicates whatever the text was changed or not. true if the text was changed false otherwise.
- IsSelecting
Get or sets whether the user is currently selecting text.
- LeftColumn
Gets or sets the left column.
- Lines
Gets the number of lines.
- Maxlength
Gets the maximum visible length line.
- SelectedCellsList
Gets the selected text as
- SelectedLength
Length of the selected text.
- SelectedText
The selected text.
- SelectionStartColumn
Start column position of the selected text.
- SelectionStartRow
Start row position of the selected text.
- TabWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating the number of whitespace when pressing the TAB key.
- TopRow
Gets or sets the top row.
- Used
Tracks whether the text view should be considered "used", that is, that the user has moved in the entry, so new input should be appended at the cursor position, rather than clearing the entry
- WordWrap
Allows word wrap the to fit the available container width.
- ClearHistoryChanges()
Allows clearing the Terminal.Gui.HistoryText.HistoryTextItemEventArgs items updating the original text.
- CloseFile()
Closes the contents of the stream into the TextView.
- Copy()
Copy the selected text to the clipboard contents.
- Cut()
Cut the selected text to the clipboard contents.
- DeleteAll()
Deletes all text.
- DeleteCharLeft()
Deletes all the selected or a single character at left from the position of the cursor.
- DeleteCharRight()
Deletes all the selected or a single character at right from the position of the cursor.
- FindNextText(string, out bool, bool, bool, string?, bool)
Find the next text based on the match case with the option to replace it.
- FindPreviousText(string, out bool, bool, bool, string?, bool)
Find the previous text based on the match case with the option to replace it.
- FindTextChanged()
Reset the flag to stop continuous find.
- GetAllLines()
Gets all lines of characters.
- GetCurrentLine()
Returns the characters on the current line (where the cursor is positioned). Use CurrentColumn to determine the position of the cursor within that line
- GetLine(int)
Returns the characters on the
- GetNormalColor()
Determines the current ColorScheme based on the Enabled value.
- InsertText(string)
Inserts the given
text at the current cursor position exactly as if the user had just typed it
- Load(List<List<Cell>>)
Loads the contents of the list of Cell list into the TextView.
- Load(Stream)
Loads the contents of the stream into the TextView.
- Load(string)
Loads the contents of the file into the TextView.
- MoveHome()
Will scroll the TextView to the first line and position the cursor there.
- OnContentsChanged()
Called when the contents of the TextView change. E.g. when the user types text or deletes text. Raises the ContentsChanged event.
- OnDrawNormalColor(List<Cell>, int, int)
Sets the Driver to an appropriate color for rendering the given
of the currentline
. Override to provide custom coloring by calling SetAttribute(Attribute) Defaults to Normal.
- OnDrawReadOnlyColor(List<Cell>, int, int)
Sets the Driver to an appropriate color for rendering the given
of the currentline
. Override to provide custom coloring by calling SetAttribute(Attribute) Defaults to Focus.
- OnDrawSelectionColor(List<Cell>, int, int)
Sets the Driver to an appropriate color for rendering the given
of the currentline
. Override to provide custom coloring by calling SetAttribute(Attribute) Defaults to Focus.
- OnDrawUsedColor(List<Cell>, int, int)
Sets the Driver to an appropriate color for rendering the given
of the currentline
. Override to provide custom coloring by calling SetAttribute(Attribute) Defaults to HotFocus.
- OnDrawingContent()
Called when the View's content is to be drawn. The default implementation does nothing.
- OnHasFocusChanged(bool, View?, View?)
Invoked after HasFocus has changed. This method is called before the HasFocusChanged event is raised.
- OnKeyDown(Key)
Called when the user presses a key, allowing subscribers to pre-process the key down event. Called before key bindings are invoked and KeyDownNotHandled is raised. Set Handled to true to stop the key from being processed further.
- OnKeyDownNotHandled(Key)
Called when the user has pressed key it wasn't handled by KeyDown and was not bound to a key binding.
- OnKeyUp(Key)
Called when a key is released. This method is called from NewKeyUpEvent(Key).
- OnMouseEvent(MouseEventArgs)
Called when a mouse event occurs within the view's Viewport.
- OnUnwrappedCursorPosition(int?, int?)
Invoke the UnwrappedCursorPosition event with the unwrapped CursorPosition.
- Paste()
Paste the clipboard contents into the current selected position.
- PositionCursor()
Positions the cursor on the current row and column
- PromptForColors()
Open a dialog to set the foreground and background colors.
- Redo()
Redoes the latest changes.
- ReplaceAllText(string, bool, bool, string?)
Replaces all the text based on the match case.
- ScrollTo(int, bool)
Will scroll the TextView to display the specified row at the top if
is true or will scroll the TextView to display the specified column at the left ifisRow
is false.
- SelectAll()
Select all text.
- SetNormalColor()
Sets the driver to the default color for the control where no text is being rendered. Defaults to Normal.
- Undo()
Undoes the latest changes.
- ContentsChanged
Raised when the contents of the TextView are changed.
- DrawNormalColor
Invoked when the normal color is drawn.
- DrawReadOnlyColor
Invoked when the ready only color is drawn.
- DrawSelectionColor
Invoked when the selection color is drawn.
- DrawUsedColor
Invoked when the used color is drawn. The Used Color is used to indicate if the InsertChar was pressed and enabled.
- UnwrappedCursorPosition
Invoked with the unwrapped CursorPosition.