Class FileDialog
Modal dialog for selecting files/directories. Has auto-complete and expandable navigation pane (Recent, Root drives etc).
public class FileDialog : Dialog, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize, IDesignable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- FileDialog()
Initializes a new instance of the FileDialog class.
- AllowedTypes
Gets or Sets a collection of file types that the user can/must select. Only applies when OpenMode is File or Mixed.
- AllowsMultipleSelection
Gets or Sets a value indicating whether to allow selecting multiple existing files/directories. Defaults to false.
- CurrentFilter
The UI selected IAllowedType from combo box. May be null.
- FileOperationsHandler
Gets or sets behavior of the FileDialog when the user attempts to delete a selected file(s). Set to null to prevent deleting.
- MaxSearchResults
The maximum number of results that will be collected when searching before stopping.
- MultiSelected
Gets all files/directories selected or an empty collection AllowsMultipleSelection is false or Terminal.Gui.FileDialog.CancelSearch().
- MustExist
True if the file/folder must exist already to be selected. This prevents user from entering the name of something that doesn't exist. Defaults to false.
- OpenMode
Gets or Sets which FileSystemInfo type can be selected. Defaults to Mixed (i.e. DirectoryInfo or FileInfo).
- Path
Gets or Sets the selected path in the dialog. This is the result that should be used if AllowsMultipleSelection is off and Terminal.Gui.FileDialog.CancelSearch() is true.
- SearchMatcher
Defines how the dialog matches files/folders when using the search box. Provide a custom implementation if you want to tailor how matching is performed.
- Style
Gets settings for controlling how visual elements behave. Style changes should be made before the Dialog is loaded and shown to the user for the first time.
- Dispose(bool)
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
- GetDefaultTitle()
Gets a default dialog title, when Title is not set or empty, result of the function will be shown.
- IsCompatibleWithAllowedExtensions(IFileInfo)
Returns true if there are no AllowedTypes or one of them agrees that
- OnDrawingContent()
Called when the View's content is to be drawn. The default implementation does nothing.
- OnLoaded()
Called from Begin(Toplevel) before the Toplevel redraws for the first time.
- FilesSelected
Event fired when user attempts to confirm a selection (or multi selection). Allows you to cancel the selection or undertake alternative behavior e.g. open a dialog "File already exists, Overwrite? yes/no".