Class Adornment
Adornments are a special form of View that appear outside the Viewport: Margin, Border, and Padding. They are defined using the Thickness class, which specifies the thickness of the sides of a rectangle.
public class Adornment : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize, IDesignable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- Adornment()
Initializes a new instance of View.
- Adornment(View)
Constructs a new adornment for the view specified by
- Diagnostics
Gets or sets whether the Adornment will draw diagnostic information. This is a bit-field of ViewDiagnosticFlags.
- Parent
The Parent of this Adornment (the View this Adornment surrounds).
- SuperView
Adornments cannot be used as sub-views (see Parent); setting this property will throw InvalidOperationException.
- SuperViewRendersLineCanvas
Adornments only render to their Parent's or Parent's SuperView's LineCanvas, so setting this property throws an InvalidOperationException.
- Viewport
Gets the rectangle that describes the area of the Adornment. The Location is always (0,0). The size is the size of the Frame.
- Contains(in Point)
Indicates whether the specified Parent's SuperView-relative coordinates are within the Adornment's Thickness.
- FrameToScreen()
Gets the Frame with a screen-relative location.
- OnClearingViewport()
Called when the Thickness of the Adornment is to be cleared.
- OnDrawingSubviews()
Called when the Subviews are to be drawn.
- OnDrawingText()
Called when the Text of the View is to be drawn.
- OnRenderingLineCanvas()
Does nothing for Adornment
- OnThicknessChanged()
Called whenever the Thickness property changes.
- ScreenToFrame(in Point)
Converts a screen-relative coordinate to a Frame-relative coordinate. Frame-relative means relative to the View's SuperView's Viewport.
- ThicknessChanged
Fired whenever the Thickness property changes.