Table of Contents

Enum ConfigLocations


Describes the location of the configuration files. The constants can be combined (bitwise) to specify multiple locations. The more significant the bit, the higher the priority meaning that the last location will override the earlier ones.

public enum ConfigLocations


All = 255

This constant is a combination of all locations

AppCurrent = 32

App settings in the current directory (e.g. ./.tui/MyApp.config.json).

AppHome = 64

App settings in the home directory (e.g. ~/.tui/MyApp.config.json).

AppResources = 2

App resources (e.g. MyApp.Resources.config.json).

Default = 1

Deafult configuration in Terminal.Gui.dll's resources (Terminal.Gui.Resources.config.json).

GlobalCurrent = 8

Global settings in the current directory (e.g. ./.tui/config.json).

GlobalHome = 16

Global settings in the home directory (e.g. ~/.tui/config.json).

None = 0

No configuration will be loaded.

Runtime = 4

Settings in the RuntimeConfig static property.