Class Window
public class Window : Toplevel, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
The 'client area' of a Window is a rectangle deflated by one or more rows/columns from Bounds. A this time there is no API to determine this rectangle.
- Window(ustring)
Initializes a new instance of the Window class with an optional title using Computed positioning.
- Window(ustring, int, Border)
Initializes a new instance of the Window using Computed positioning, and an optional title.
- Window(Rect, ustring)
Initializes a new instance of the Window class with an optional title using Absolute positioning.
- Window(Rect, ustring, int, Border)
Initializes a new instance of the Window using Absolute positioning with the specified frame for its location, with the specified frame padding, and an optional title.
- TextAlignment
Controls the text-alignment property of the label, changing it will redisplay the Label.
- Title
The title to be displayed for this window.
- Add(View)
Adds a subview (child) to this view.
- OnCanFocusChanged()
Method invoked when the CanFocus property from a view is changed.
- OnTitleChanged(ustring, ustring)
Called when the Title has been changed. Invokes the TitleChanged event.
- OnTitleChanging(ustring, ustring)
Called before the Title changes. Invokes the TitleChanging event, which can be cancelled.
- Redraw(Rect)
Redraws this view and its subviews; only redraws the views that have been flagged for a re-display.
- Remove(View)
Removes a subview added via Add(View) or Add(params View[]) from this View.
- RemoveAll()
Removes all subviews (children) added via Add(View) or Add(params View[]) from this View.
- TitleChanged
Event fired after the Title has been changed.
- TitleChanging
Event fired when the Title is changing. Set Cancel to
to cancel the Title change.