Class TextField
Single-line text entry View
public class TextField : View, IDisposable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- TextField()
Initializes a new instance of the TextField class using Computed positioning.
- TextField(ustring)
Initializes a new instance of the TextField class using Computed positioning.
- TextField(int, int, int, ustring)
Initializes a new instance of the TextField class using Absolute positioning.
- TextField(string)
Initializes a new instance of the TextField class using Computed positioning.
- Autocomplete
Provides autocomplete context menu based on suggestions at the current cursor position. Populate AllSuggestions to enable this feature.
- ContextMenu
Get the ContextMenu for this view.
- CursorPosition
Sets or gets the current cursor position.
- DesiredCursorVisibility
Get / Set the wished cursor when the field is focused
- Frame
Gets or sets the frame for the view. The frame is relative to the view's container (SuperView).
- HasHistoryChanges
Indicates whatever the text has history changes or not. true if the text has history changes false otherwise.
- IsDirty
Indicates whatever the text was changed or not. true if the text was changed false otherwise.
- ReadOnly
If set to true its not allow any changes in the text.
- ScrollOffset
Gets the left offset position.
- Secret
Sets the secret property.
- SelectedLength
Length of the selected text.
- SelectedStart
Start position of the selected text.
- SelectedText
The selected text.
- Text
Sets or gets the text held by the view.
- Used
Tracks whether the text field should be considered "used", that is, that the user has moved in the entry, so new input should be appended at the cursor position, rather than clearing the entry
- ClearAllSelection()
Clear the selected text.
- ClearHistoryChanges()
Allows clearing the HistoryText.HistoryTextItem items updating the original text.
- Copy()
Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
- Cut()
Cut the selected text to the clipboard.
- DeleteAll()
Deletes all text.
- DeleteCharLeft(bool)
Deletes the left character.
- DeleteCharRight()
Deletes the right character.
- GetNormalColor()
Determines the current ColorScheme based on the Enabled value.
- InsertText(string, bool)
Inserts the given
text at the current cursor position exactly as if the user had just typed it
- KillWordBackwards()
Deletes word backwards.
- KillWordForwards()
Deletes word forwards.
- MouseEvent(MouseEvent)
Method invoked when a mouse event is generated
- OnEnter(View)
Method invoked when a view gets focus.
- OnLeave(View)
Method invoked when a view loses focus.
- OnTextChanging(ustring)
Virtual method that invoke the TextChanging event if it's defined.
- Paste()
Paste the selected text from the clipboard.
- PositionCursor()
Sets the cursor position.
- ProcessKey(KeyEvent)
Processes key presses for the TextField.
- Redraw(Rect)
Redraws this view and its subviews; only redraws the views that have been flagged for a re-display.
- SelectAll()
Selects all text.
- TextChanged
Changed event, raised when the text has changed.
- TextChanging
Changing event, raised before the Text changes and can be canceled or changing the new text.