Migrating From v1 To v2
This document provides an overview of the changes between Terminal.Gui v1 and v2. It is intended to help developers migrate their applications from v1 to v2.
For detailed breaking change documentation check out this Discussion: https://github.com/gui-cs/Terminal.Gui/discussions/2448
View Constructors -> Initializers
In v1, View and most sub-classes had multiple constructors that took a variety of parameters. In v2, the constructors have been replaced with initializers. This change was made to simplify the API and make it easier to use. In addition, the v1 constructors drove a false (and needlessly complex) distinction between "Absolute" and "Computed" layout. In v2, the layout system is much simpler and more intuitive.
How to Fix
Replace the constructor calls with initializer calls.
- var myView = new View (new Rect (10, 10, 40, 10));
+ var myView = new View { X = 10, Y = 10, Width = 40, Height = 10 };
TrueColor Support - 24-bit Color is the default
Terminal.Gui v2 now supports 24-bit color by default. This means that the colors you use in your application will be more accurate and vibrant. If you are using custom colors in your application, you may need to update them to use the new 24-bit color format.
The Attribute class has been simplified. Color names now match the ANSI standard ('Brown' is now called 'Yellow')
How to Fix
Static class Attribute.Make
has been removed. Use constructor instead
- var c = Attribute.Make(Color.BrightMagenta, Color.Blue);
+ var c = new Attribute(Color.BrightMagenta, Color.Blue);
- var c = Color.Brown;
+ var c = Color.Yellow;
Low-Level Type Changes
How to Fix
- Replace
has been removed. Use System.Rune
See Unicode for details.
How to Fix
Replace using
statements with the System.Text
- using NStack;
+ using System.Text;
Anywhere you have an implicit cast from char
to Rune
, replace with a constructor call
- myView.AddRune(col, row, '▄');
+ myView.AddRune(col, row, new Rune('▄'));
When measuring the screen space taken up by a Rune
use GetColumns()
- Rune.ColumnWidth(rune);
+ rune.GetColumns();
When measuring the screen space taken up by a string
you can use the extension method GetColumns()
- myString.Sum(c=>Rune.ColumnWidth(c));
+ myString.GetColumns();
`View Life Cycle Management
In v1, View was derived from Responder
which supported IDisposable
. In v2, Responder
has been removed and View is the base-class supporting IDisposable
In v1, @Terminal.Gui./Terminal.Gui.Application.Init) automatically created a toplevel view and set [Application.Top](~/api/Terminal.Gui.Application.Top. In v2, @Terminal.Gui.Application.Init no longer automatically creates a toplevel or sets Top; app developers must explicitly create the toplevel view and pass it to @Terminal.Gui.Application.Run (or use Application.Run<myTopLevel>
). Developers are responsible for calling Dispose
on any toplevel they create before exiting.
How to Fix
- Replace
with View - Update any code that assumes
automatically created a toplevel view and setApplication.Top
. - Update any code that assumes
automatically disposed of the toplevel view when the application exited.
Pos and Dim types now adhere to standard C# idioms
- In v1, the Pos and Dim types (e.g. @Terminal.Gui.Pos.PosView) were nested classes and marked @Terminal.Gui.internal. In v2, they are no longer nested, and have appropriate public APIs.
- Nullabilty is enabled.
- Methods & properties follow standards.
- The static method that creates a PosAbsolute,
, was renamed to @Terminal.Gui.Pos.Absolute for consistency. - The static method that crates as @Terminal.Gui.DimAbsoulte,
, was renamed to @Terminal.Gui.Dim.Absolute for consistency.
How to Fix
- Search and replace
. - Search and replace
. - Search and replace
- Search and replace
- Search and replace
- Search and replace
Layout Improvements
In v2, the layout system has been improved to make it easier to create complex user interfaces. If you are using custom layouts in your application, you may need to update them to use the new layout system.
- The distinction between
Absolute Layout
andComputed Layout
has been removed, as has theLayoutStyle
enum. v1 drew a false distinction between these styles. - Frame now represents the position and size of the view in the superview's coordinate system. The
property is of typeRectangle
. - @Terminal.Gui.View.Bounds has been replaced by Viewport. The
property represents the visible area of the view in its own coordinate system. TheViewport
property is of typeRectangle
. - GetContentSize() represents the size of the view's content. This replaces
in v1. See more below.
How to Fix
-> Viewport
- Remove all references ot
. - Rename
. TheLocation
property ofBounds
can now have non-zero values. - Update any code that assumed
was alwaysPoint.Empty
. - Update any code that used
to refer to the size of the view's content. UseGetContentSize()
instead. - Update any code that assumed
was the same asFrame.Size
defines the size of the view in the superview's coordinate system, whileViewport.Size
defines the visible area of the view in its own coordinate system. - Use GetAdornmentsThickness() to get the total thickness of the view's border, margin, and padding.
- Not assume a View can draw outside of 'Viewport'. Use the 'Margin', 'Border', and 'Padding' Adornments to do things outside of
. View subclasses should not implement their own concept of padding or margins but leverage theseAdornments
instead. - Mouse and draw events now provide coordinates relative to the
not theFrame
has been removed. Use @Terminal.Gui.Dim.Auto for width or height instead.
In v1, View.AutoSize
was used to size a view to its Text
. In v2, View.AutoSize
has been removed. Use @Terminal.Gui.Dim.Auto for width or height instead.
How to Fix
- Replace
View.AutoSize = true
withView.Width = Dim.Auto
orView.Height = Dim.Auto
as needed. See the DimAuto Deep Dive for more information.
In v2, the Border
, Margin
, and Padding
properties have been added to all views. This simplifies view development and enables a sophisticated look and feel. If you are using custom borders, margins, or padding in your application, you may need to update them to use the new properties.
is now of type Adornment. BorderStyle is provided as a convenience property to set the border style (myView.BorderStyle = LineStyle.Double
How to Fix
Built-in Scrolling
In v1, scrolling was enabled by using ScrollView
or ScrollBarView
. In v2, the base View class supports scrolling inherently. The area of a view visible to the user at a given moment was previously a rectangle called Bounds
. Bounds.Location
was always Point.Empty
. In v2 the visible area is a rectangle called Viewport
which is a protal into the Views content, which can be bigger (or smaller) than the area visible to the user. Causing a view to scroll is as simple as changing View.Viewport.Location
. The View's content is described by GetContentSize(). See Layout for details.
ScrollBar replaces ScrollBarView
with a much cleaner implementation of a scrollbar. In addition, VerticalScrollBar and HorizontalScrollBar provide a simple way to enable scroll bars in any View with almost no code. See See Scrolling Deep Dive for more.
How to Fix
- Replace
with View and useViewport
and GetContentSize() to control scrolling. - Update any code that assumed
was alwaysPoint.Empty
. - Update any code that used
to refer to the size of the view's content. Use GetContentSize() instead. - Update any code that assumed
was the same asFrame.Size
defines the size of the view in the superview's coordinate system, whileViewport.Size
defines the visible area of the view in its own coordinate system. - Replace
with ScrollBar. See Scrolling Deep Dive for more.
Updated Keyboard API
The API for handling keyboard input is significantly improved. See Keyboard API.
- The Key class replaces the
struct and provides a platform-independent abstraction for common keyboard operations. It is used for processing keyboard input and raising keyboard events. This class provides a high-level abstraction with helper methods and properties for common keyboard operations. Use this class instead of the low-level KeyCode enum when possible. See Key for more details. - The preferred way to enable Application-wide or View-heirarchy-dependent keystrokes is to use the Shortcut View or the built-in View's that utilize it, such as the @Terminal.Gui.Bar-based views.
- The preferred way to handle single keystrokes is to use Key Bindings. Key Bindings map a key press to a Command. A view can declare which commands it supports, and provide a lambda that implements the functionality of the command, using
. Use the @Terminal.Gui.View.Keybindings to configure the key bindings. - For better consistency and user experience, the default key for closing an app or
is nowEsc
(it was previouslyCtrl+Q
). - The
method has been replaced withApplication.KeyDown
How to Fix
- Replace
- Use @Terminal.Gui.View.AddCommand to define commands your view supports.
- Use @Terminal.Gui.View.Keybindings to configure key bindings to
s. - It should be very uncommon for v2 code to override
etc... - Anywhere
was hard-coded as the "quit key", replace withApplication.QuitKey
. - See Navigation below for more information on v2's navigation keys.
- Replace
. If the reason for subscribing to RootKeyEvent was to enable an application-wide action based on a key-press, consider using Application.KeyBindings instead.
- Application.RootKeyEvent(KeyEvent arg)
+ Application.KeyDown(object? sender, Key e)
**Command has been expanded and simplified
In v1, the Command
enum had duplicate entries and inconsistent naming. In v2 it has been both expanded and simplified.
How To Fix
- Update any references to old
values with the updated versions.
Updated Mouse API
The API for mouse input is now internally consistent and easier to use.
- The MouseEventArgs class replaces
. - More granular APIs are provided to ease handling specific mouse actions. See Mouse API.
- Views can use the Highlight event to have the view be visibly highlighted on various mouse events.
- Views can set
View.WantContinousButtonPresses = true
to have their Accept command be invoked repeatedly as the user holds a mouse button down on the view. - Mouse and draw events now provide coordinates relative to the
not theScreen
. - The
method has been replaced withApplication.MouseEvent
How to Fix
- Replace
- Use the Highlight event to have the view be visibly highlighted on various mouse events.
- Set
View.WantContinousButtonPresses = true
to have the Accept command be invoked repeatedly as the user holds a mouse button down on the view. - Update any code that assumed mouse events provided coordinates relative to the
. - Replace
- Application.RootMouseEvent(KeyEvent arg)
+ Application.MouseEvent(object? sender, MouseEventArgs mouseEvent)
Navigation - Cursor
, Focus
, TabStop
The cursor and focus system has been redesigned in v2 to be more consistent and easier to use. If you are using custom cursor or focus logic in your application, you may need to update it to use the new system.
In v1, whether the cursor (the flashing caret) was visible or not was controlled by View.CursorVisibility
which was an enum extracted from Ncruses/Terminfo. It only works in some cases on Linux, and only partially with WindowsDriver
. The position of the cursor was the same as ConsoleDriver.Row
and determined by the last call to ConsoleDriver.Move
. View.PositionCursor()
could be overridden by views to cause Application
to call ConsoleDriver.Move
on behalf of the app and to manage setting CursorVisibility
. This API was confusing and bug-prone.
In v2, the API is (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) simplified. A view simply reports the style of cursor it wants and the Viewport-relative location:
public Point? CursorPosition
- If
the cursor is not visible - If
the cursor is visible at thePoint
- If
public event EventHandler<LocationChangedEventArgs>? CursorPositionChanged
public int? CursorStyle
- If
the default cursor style is used. - If
specifies the style of cursor. See cursor.md for more.
- If
now has APIs for querying available cursor styles.- The details in
are no longer available to applications.
How to Fix (Cursor API)
- Use @Terminal.Gui.View.CursorPosition to set the cursor position in a view. Set @Terminal.Gui.View.CursorPosition to
to hide the cursor. - Set CursorVisibility to the cursor style you want to use.
- Remove any overrides of
that explicitly change the cursor.
See navigation.md for more details. See also Keyboard where HotKey is covered more deeply...
- In v1,
by default. In v2, it isfalse
. AnyView
subclass that wants to be focusable must setCanFocus = true
. - In v1 it was not possible to remove focus from a view.
as a get-only property. In v2,view.HasFocus
can be set as well. Setting totrue
is equivalent to callingview.SetFocus
. Setting tofalse
is equivalent to callingview.SuperView.AdvanceFocus
(which might not actually causeview
to stop having focus). - In v1, calling
super.Add (view)
whereview.CanFocus == true
caused all views up the hierarchy (all SuperViews) to getCanFocus
set totrue
as well. In v2, developers need to explicitly setCanFocus
for any view in the view-hierarchy where focus is desired. This simplifies the implementation and removes confusing automatic behavior. - In v1, if
view.CanFocus == true
would automatically setTabStop
. In v2, the automatic setting ofTabStop
is retained because it is not overly complex to do so and is a nice convenience for developers to not have to set bothTabstop
. Note v2 does NOT automatically changeCanFocus
is changed. view.TabStop
now describes the behavior of a view in the focus chain. theTabBehavior
enum includesNoStop
(the view may be focusable, but not via next/prev keyboard nav),TabStop
(the view may be focusable, andNextTabStop
keyboard nav will stop),TabGroup
(the view may be focusable, andNextTabGroup
keyboard nav will stop).- In v1, the
property was a cache of which view inSubViews/TabIndexes
hadHasFocus == true
. There was a lot of logic for keeping this property in sync. In v2,View.Focused
is a get-only, computed property. - In v1, the
property recursed down the subview-hierarchy on each get. In addition, because only one View in an application can be the "most focused", it doesn't make sense for this property to be on every View. In v2, this API is removed. UseApplication.Navigation.GetFocused()
instead. - The v1 APIs
are replaced in v2 with these APIs that accomplish the same thing, more simply.public bool AdvanceFocus (NavigationDirection direction, TabBehavior? behavior)
public bool FocusDeepest (NavigationDirection direction, TabBehavior? behavior)
- In v1, the
virtual methods/events could be used to notify that a view had gained or lost focus, but had confusing semantics around what it mean to override (requiring callingbase
) and bug-ridden behavior on what the return values signified. The "Enter" and "Leave" terminology was confusing. In v2,View.OnHasFocusChanging/HasFocusChanging
. These virtual methods/events follow standard Terminal.Gui event patterns. TheView.OnHasFocusChanging/HasFocusChanging
event supports being cancelled. - In v1, the concept of
views included a large amount of complex code (inToplevel
) for dealing with navigation across overlapped Views. This has all been radically simplified in v2. Any View can work in an "overlapped" or "tiled" way. See navigation.md for more details. - The
have been removed. Change the order of the views inView.Subviews
to change the navigation order (using, for exampleView.MoveSubviewTowardsStart()
How to Fix (Focus API)
- Set CanFocus to
for any View sub-class that wants to be focusable. - Use @Terminal.Gui.Application.Navigation.GetFocused to get the most focused view in the application.
- Use @Terminal.Gui.Application.Navigation.AdvanceFocus to cause focus to change.
Keyboard Navigation
In v2, HotKey
s can be used to navigate across the entire application view-hierarchy. They work independently of Focus
. This enables a user to navigate across a complex UI of nested subviews if needed (even in overlapped scenarios). An example use-case is the AllViewsTester
In v2, unlike v1, multiple Views in an application (even within the same SuperView) can have the same HotKey
. Each press of the HotKey
will invoke the next HotKey
across the View hierarchy (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)*
In v1, the keys used for navigation were both hard-coded and configurable, but in an inconsistent way. Tab
and Shift+Tab
worked consistently for navigating between Subviews, but were not configurable. Ctrl+Tab
and Ctrl+Shift+Tab
navigated across Overlapped
views and had configurable "alternate" versions (Ctrl+PageDown
and Ctrl+PageUp
In v2, this is made consistent and configurable:
) - Navigates to the next subview that is aTabStop
(see below). If there is no next, the first subview that is aTabStop
will gain focus.Application.PrevTabStopKey
) - Opposite ofApplication.NextTabStopKey
- Operates identically toApplication.NextTabStopKey
- Operates identically toApplication.NextTabStopKey
- Operates identically toApplication.PrevTabStopKey
- Operates identically toApplication.PrevTabStopKey
) - Navigates to the next view in the view-hierarchy that is aTabGroup
(see below). If there is no next, the first view which is a `TabGroup`` will gain focus.Application.PrevTabGroupKey
) - Opposite ofApplication.NextTabGroupKey
was chosen to match Windows
These keys are all registered as KeyBindingScope.Application
key bindings by Application
. Because application-scoped key bindings have the lowest priority, Views can override the behaviors of these keys (e.g. TextView
overrides Key.Tab
by default, enabling the user to enter \t
into text). The AllViews_AtLeastOneNavKey_Leaves
unit test ensures all built-in Views have at least one of the above keys that can advance.
How to Fix (Keyboard Navigation)
Button.Clicked Event Renamed
The Button.Clicked
event has been renamed Button.Accepting
How to Fix
Rename all instances of Button.Clicked
to Button.Accepting
. Note the signature change to mouse events below.
- btnLogin.Clicked
+ btnLogin.Accepting
Alternatively, if you want to have key events as well as mouse events to fire an event, use Button.Accepting
Events now use object sender, EventArgs args
Previously events in Terminal.Gui used a mixture of Action
(no arguments), Action<string>
(or other raw datatype) and Action<EventArgs>
. Now all events use the EventHandler<EventArgs>
standard .net design pattern.
For example, event Action
has become
event EventHandler
This change was made for the following reasons:
- Event parameters are now individually named and documented (with xmldoc)
- Future additions to event parameters can be made without being breaking changes (i.e. adding new properties to the EventArgs class)
For example:
public class TimeoutEventArgs : EventArgs {
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="DateTime.Ticks"/> in UTC time when the
/// <see cref="Timeout"/> will next execute after.
/// </summary>
public long Ticks { get; }
How To Fix
If you previously had a lambda expression, you can simply add the extra arguments:
- btnLogin.Clicked += () => { /*do something*/ };
+ btnLogin.Accepting += (s,e) => { /*do something*/ };
Note that the event name has also changed as noted above.
If you have used a named method instead of a lamda you will need to update the signature e.g.
- private void MyButton_Clicked ()
+ private void MyButton_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs e)
is now Draw
How to Fix
- Replace
- Mouse and draw events now provide coordinates relative to the
not theFrame
No more nested classes
All public classes that were previously nested classes are now in the root namespace as their own classes.
How To Fix
Replace references to nested types with the new standalone version
- var myTab = new TabView.Tab();
+ var myTab = new Tab();
View and Text Alignment Changes
In v1, both TextAlignment
and VerticalTextAlignment
enums were used to align text in views. In v2, these enums have been replaced with the Alignment enum. The TextAlignment property controls horizontal text alignment and the VerticalTextAlignment property controls vertical text alignment.
v2 now supports @Terminal.Gui.Pos.Align which enables views to be easily aligned within their Superview.
The Aligner class makes it easy to align elements (text, Views, etc...) within a container.
How to Fix
- Replace
is now Center.
- StatusItem
is replaced by Shortcut
StatusBar has been upgraded to utilize Shortcut.
How to Fix
- var statusBar = new StatusBar (
- new StatusItem []
- {
- new (
- Application.QuitKey,
- $"{Application.QuitKey} to Quit",
- () => Quit ()
- )
- }
- );
+ var statusBar = new StatusBar (new Shortcut [] { new (Application.QuitKey, "Quit", Quit) });
- API renamed and simplified
In v1 CheckBox
used bool?
to represent the 3 states. To support consistent behavior for the Accept
event, CheckBox
was refactored to use the new CheckState
enum instead of bool?
Additionally, the Toggle
event was renamed CheckStateChanging
and made cancelable. The Toggle
method was renamed to AdvanceCheckState
How to Fix
-var cb = new CheckBox ("_Checkbox", true); {
- X = Pos.Right (label) + 1,
- Y = Pos.Top (label) + 2
- };
- cb.Toggled += (e) => {
- };
- cb.Toggle ();
+var cb = new CheckBox ()
+ Title = "_Checkbox",
+ CheckState = CheckState.Checked
+cb.CheckStateChanging += (s, e) =>
+ e.Cancel = preventChange;
+preventChange = false;
+cb.AdvanceCheckState ();
is no longer accessible from Application
In v1, you could add timeouts via Application.MainLoop.AddTimeout
among other things. In v2, the MainLoop
object is internal to Application
and methods previously accessed via MainLoop
can now be accessed directly via Application
How to Fix
- Application.MainLoop.AddTimeout (TimeSpan time, Func<MainLoop, bool> callback)
+ Application.AddTimeout (TimeSpan time, Func<bool> callback)
renamed and corrected
In v1, the View
methods to move Subviews within the Subviews list were poorly named and actually operated in reverse of what their names suggested.
In v2, these methods have been named correctly.
- Moves the specified subview to the start of the list.SendSubViewBackward
- Moves the specified subview one position towards the start of the list.SendSubViewToFront
- Moves the specified subview to the end of the list.SendSubViewForward
- Moves the specified subview one position towards the end of the list.
Replaced by ViewArrangement.Overlapped
In v1, it apps with multiple overlapping views could be created using a set of APIs spread across Application
(e.g. Application.MdiTop
) and Toplevel
(e.g. IsMdiContainer
). This functionality has been replaced in v2 with Arrangement. Specifically, overlapped views with Arrangement having the Overlapped flag set will be arranged in an overlapped fashion using the order in their SuperView's subview list as the Z-order.
Setting the Movable flag will enable the overlapped views to be movable with the mouse or keyboard (Ctrl+F5
to activate).
Setting the @Terminal.Gui.ViewArrangement.Sizable flag will enable the overlapped views to be resized with the mouse or keyboard (Ctrl+F5
to activate).
In v1, only Views derived from Toplevel
could be overlapped. In v2, any view can be.
v1 conflated the concepts of
and all subclasses supportIDisposable
and must be disposed (by callingview.Dispose ()
) by whatever code owns the instance when the instance is longer needed.To simplify programming, any
added as a Subview anotherView
will have it's lifecycle owned by the Superview; when aView
is disposed, it will callDispose
on all the items in theSubviews
property. Note this behavior is the same as it was in v1, just clarified.In v1,
calledDispose ()
on Top (viaRunstate.Toplevel
). This was incorrect as it meant that afterApplication.Run
had been disposed, and any code that wanted to interrogate the results ofRun
by accessingApplication.Top
only worked by accident. This is because GC had not actually happened; if it had the application would have crashed. In v2Application.End
does NOT callDispose
, and it is the caller toApplication.Run
who is responsible for disposing theToplevel
that was either passed toApplication.Run (View)
or created byApplication.Run<T> ()
.Any code that creates a
, either by usingtop = new()
or by calling eithertop = Application.Run ()
ortop = ApplicationRun<T>()
must calltop.Dispose
when complete. The exception to this is iftop
is passed tomyView.Add(top)
making it a subview ofmyView
. This is because the semantics ofAdd
are that themyView
takes over responsibility for the subviews lifetimes. Of course, if someone callsmyView.Remove(top)
to remove said subview, they then re-take responsbility fortop
's lifetime and they must calltop.Dispose