Table of Contents

Proposed Design for a modern Cursor system in v2


This document is a work in progress and does not represent the final design or even the current implementation.

See end for list of issues this design addresses.

Tenets for Cursor Support (Unless you know better ones...)

  1. More GUI than Command Line. The concept of a cursor on the command line of a terminal is intrinsically tied to enabling the user to know where keyboard import is going to impact text editing. TUI apps have many more modalities than text editing where the keyboard is used (e.g. scrolling through a ColorPicker). Terminal.Gui's cursor system is biased towards the broader TUI experiences.

  2. Be Consistent With the User's Platform - Users get to choose the platform they run Terminal.Gui apps on and the cursor should behave in a way consistent with the terminal.

Lexicon & Taxonomy

  • Navigation - Refers to the user-experience for moving Focus between views in the application view-hierarchy. See Navigation for a deep-dive.
  • Focus - Indicates which View in the view-hierarchy is currently the one receiving keyboard input. Only one view-hexarchy in an application can have focus (view.HasFocus == true), and there is only one View in a focused hierarchy that is the most-focused; the one receiving keyboard input. See Navigation for a deep-dive.
  • Cursor - A visual indicator to the user where keyboard input will have an impact. There is one Cursor per terminal session.
  • Cursor Location - The top-left corner of the Cursor. In text entry scenarios, new text will be inserted to the left/top of the Cursor Location.
  • Cursor Size - The width and height of the cursor. Currently the size is limited to 1x1.
  • Cursor Style - How the cursor renders. Some terminals support various cursor styles such as Block and Underline.
  • Cursor Visibility - Whether the cursor is visible to the user or not. NOTE: Some ConsoleDrivers overload Cursor Style and Cursor Visibility, making "invisible" a style. Terminal.Gui HIDES this from developers and changing the visibility of the cursor does NOT change the style.
  • Caret - Visual indicator that where text entry will occur.
  • Selection - A visual indicator to the user that something is selected. It is common for the Selection and Cursor to be the same. It is also common for the Selection and Cursor to be distinct. In a ListView the Cursor and Selection (SelectedItem) are the same, but the Cursor is not visible. In a TextView with text selected, the Cursor is at either the start or end of the Selection. A `TableView' supports mutliple things being selected at once.


  • No flickering. The Cursor should blink/pulse at the rate dictated by the terminal. Typing, moving the mouse, view layout, etc... should not caue the cursor to flicker.
  • By default, the Cursor should not be visible. A View or View subclass should have to do anything (this is already the case) to keep the Cursor invisible.
  • Views that just want to show the cursor at a particular location in the Viewport should only have to:
    • Optionally, declare a desired Cursor Style. Set Application.CursorStyle.
    • Indicate the Cursor Locaiton when internal state dictates the location has changed (debatable if this should be in content or viewport-relative coords). Just set this.CursorPosition.
    • To hide the cursor, simply set this.CursorPostion to null.
  • The Cursor should only be visible in Views where
    • Enabled == true
    • Visible == true
    • CanFocus == true
    • this == SuperView.MostFocused
  • If a ConsoleDriver supports Cursor Styles other than Default, they should be supported per-application (NOT View).
  • Ensuring the cursor is visible or not should be handled by Application, not View.
  • General V2 Requirement: View sub-class code should NEVER call a Driver. API. Only Application and the View base class should call ConsoleDriver APIs; before we ship v2, all ConsoleDriver APIs will be made internal.


View Focus Changes

It doesn't make sense the every View instance has it's own notion of MostFocused. The current implemention is overly complicated and fragile because the concept of "MostFocused" is handled by View. There can be only ONE "most focused" view in an application. MostFocused should be a property on Application.

  • Remove View.MostFocused
  • Change all references to access Application.MostFocusedView (see Application below)
  • Find all instances of view._hasFocus = and change them to use SetHasFocus (today, anyplace that sets _hasFocus is a BUG!!).
  • Change SetFocus/SetHasFocus etc... such that if the focus is changed to a different view heirarchy, Application.MostFocusedView gets set appropriately.

MORE THOUGHT REQUIRED HERE - There be dragons given how Toplevel has OnEnter/OnLeave overrrides. The above needs more study, but is directioally correct.

View Cursor Changes

  • Add public Point? CursorPosition
    • Backed with private Point? _cursorPosition
    • If !HasValue the cursor is not visible
    • If HasValue the cursor is visible at the Point.
    • On set, if value != _cursorPosition, call OnCursorPositionChanged()
  • Add public event EventHandler<LocaitonChangedEventArgs>? CursorPositionChanged
  • Add internal void OnCursorPositionChanged(LocationChangedEventArgs a)
    • Not virtual
    • Fires CursorPositionChanged


  • Remove Refresh and have UpdateScreen and UpdateCursor be called separately. The fact that Refresh in all drivers currently calls both is a source of flicker.

  • Remove the xxxCursorVisibility APIs and replace with:

    • internal int CursorStyle {get; internal set; }

      • Backed with private int _cursorStyle
      • On set, calls OnCursorStyleChanged()
    • Add internal abstract void OnCursorStyleChanged()

      • Called by base whenever the cursor style changes, but ONLY if value != _cursorStyle.
    • Add internal virtual (int Id, string StyleName) [] GetCursorStyles()

      • Returns an array of styles supported by the driver, NOT including Invisible.
      • The first item in array is always "Default".
      • Base implementation returns { 0, "Default" }
      • CursesDriver and WindowsDriver will need to implement overrides.
    • Add internal Point? CursorPosition {get; internal set; }

      • Backed with private Point? _cursorPosition
      • If !HasValue the cursor is not visible
      • If HasValue the cursor is visible at the Point.
      • On set, calls OnCursorPositionChanged ONLY if value != _cursorPosition.
    • Add internal abstract void OnCursorPositionChanged()

      • Called by base whenever the cursor position changes.
      • Depending on the value of CursorPosition:
        • If !HasValue the cursor is not visible - does whatever is needed to make the cursor invisible.
        • If HasValue the cursor is visible at the CursorPosition - does whatever is needed to make the cursor visible (using CursorStyle).
    • Make sure the drivers only make the cursor visible (or leave it visible) when CursorPosition changes!


  • Add internal static View FocusedView {get; private set;}

    • Backed by private static _focusedView
    • On set,
      • if value != _focusedView
        • Unsubscribe from _focusedView.CursorPositionChanged
        • Subscribe to value.CursorPositionChanged += CursorPositionChanged
        • _focusedView = value
        • Call UpdateCursor
  • Add internal bool CursorPositionChanged (object sender, LocationChangedEventArgs a)

    Called when:

    • FocusedView
      • Has changed to another View (should cover FocusedView.Visible/Enable changes)
      • Has changed layout -
      • Has changeed it's CursorPosition
    • CursorStyle has changed


    • If FocusedView is {} and FocusedView.CursorPosition is visible (e.g. w/in FocusedView.SuperView.Viewport)
      • Does Driver.CursorPosition = ToScreen(FocusedView.CursorPosition)
    • Else
      • Makes driver cursor invisible with Driver.CursorPosition = null
  • Add public static int CursorStyle {get; internal set; }

    • Backed with `private static int _cursorStyle
    • If value != _cursorStyle
      • Calls ConsoleDriver.CursorStyle = _cursorStyle
      • Calls UpdateCursor
  • Add public (int Id, string StyleName) [] GetCursorStyles()

    • Calls through to ConsoleDriver.GetCursorStyles()

Issues with Current Design

Driver.Row/Pos, which are changed via Move serves two purposes that confuse each other:

a) Where the next AddRune will put the next rune b) The current "Cursor Location"

If most TUI apps acted like a command line where the visible cursor was always visible, this might make sense. But the fact that only a very few View subclasses we've seen actually care to show the cursor illustrates a problem:

Any drawing causes the "Cursor Position" to be changed/lost. This means we have a ton of code that is constantly repositioning the cursor every MainLoop iteration.

The actual cursor position RARELY changes (relative to Mainloop.Iteration).

Derived from above, the current design means we need to call View.PositionCursor` every iteration. For some views this is a low-cost operation. For others it involves a lot of math.

This is just stupid.


Related to the above, we need constantly Show/Hide the cursor every iteration. This causes ridiculous cursor flicker.

View.PositionCursor is poorly spec'd and confusing to implement correctly

Should a view call base.PositionCursor? If so, before or after doing stuff?

Setting cursor visibility in OnEnter actually makes no sense

First, leaving it up to views to do this is fragile.

Second, when a View gets focus is but one of many places where cursor visibilty should be updated.