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Method DecodeEscSeq


DecodeEscSeq(ref ConsoleKeyInfo, ref ConsoleKey, ConsoleKeyInfo[], ref ConsoleModifiers, out string, out string, out string[], out string, out bool, out List<MouseFlags>, out Point, out bool, Action<MouseFlags, Point>?)

Decodes an ANSI escape sequence.

public static void DecodeEscSeq(ref ConsoleKeyInfo newConsoleKeyInfo, ref ConsoleKey key, ConsoleKeyInfo[] cki, ref ConsoleModifiers mod, out string c1Control, out string code, out string[] values, out string terminator, out bool isMouse, out List<MouseFlags> buttonState, out Point pos, out bool isResponse, Action<MouseFlags, Point>? continuousButtonPressedHandler)


newConsoleKeyInfo ConsoleKeyInfo

The ConsoleKeyInfo which may change.

key ConsoleKey

The ConsoleKey which may change.

cki ConsoleKeyInfo[]

The ConsoleKeyInfo array.

mod ConsoleModifiers

The ConsoleModifiers which may change.

c1Control string

The control returned by the GetC1ControlChar(in char) method.

code string

The code returned by the GetEscapeResult(char[]) method.

values string[]

The values returned by the GetEscapeResult(char[]) method.

terminator string

The terminator returned by the GetEscapeResult(char[]) method.

isMouse bool

Indicates if the escape sequence is a mouse event.

buttonState List<MouseFlags>

The MouseFlags button state.

pos Point

The MouseFlags position.

isResponse bool

Indicates if the escape sequence is a response to a request.

continuousButtonPressedHandler Action<MouseFlags, Point>

The handler that will process the event.