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Enum ColorName


Defines the 16 legacy color names and values that can be used to set the foreground and background colors in Terminal.Gui apps. Used with Color.

public enum ColorName


Black = 0

The black color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[30m.

Blue = 1

The blue color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[34m.

BrightBlue = 9

The bright blue color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[34;1m.

BrightCyan = 11

The bright cyan color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[36;1m.

BrightGreen = 10

The bright green color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[32;1m.

BrightMagenta = 13

The bright magenta color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[35;1m.

BrightRed = 12

The bright red color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[31;1m.

BrightYellow = 14

The bright yellow color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[33;1m.

Cyan = 3

The cyan color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[36m.

DarkGray = 8

The dark gray color (also known as Bright Black). ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[30;1m.

Gray = 7

The gray color (also known as White). ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[37m.

Green = 2

The green color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[32m.

Magenta = 5

The magenta color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[35m.

Red = 4

The red color. ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[31m.

White = 15

The White color (also known as Bright White). ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[37;1m.

Yellow = 6

The yellow color (also known as Brown). ANSI escape sequence: \u001b[33m.


These colors match the 16 colors defined for ANSI escape sequences for 4-bit (16) colors.

For terminals that support 24-bit color (TrueColor), the RGB values for each of these colors can be configured using the Colors property.