Table of Contents

Namespace UICatalog



Base class for each demo/scenario.

To define a new scenario:

  1. Create a new .cs file in the Scenarios directory that derives from Scenario.
  2. Annotate the Scenario derived class with a Scenario.ScenarioMetadata attribute specifying the scenario's name and description.
  3. Add one or more Scenario.ScenarioCategory attributes to the class specifying which categories the scenario belongs to. If you don't specify a category the scenario will show up in "_All".
  4. Implement the Setup() override which will be called when a user selects the scenario to run.
  5. Optionally, implement the Init(Toplevel, ColorScheme) and/or Run() overrides to provide a custom implementation.

The UI Catalog program uses reflection to find all scenarios and adds them to the ListViews. Press ENTER to run the selected scenario. Press CTRL-Q to exit it. /


Defines the category names used to catagorize a Scenario


Defines the metadata (Name and Description) for a Scenario