Namespace Terminal.Gui.Graphs
- Axis
Renders a continuous line with grid line ticks and labels
- AxisIncrementToRender
A location on an axis of a GraphView that may or may not have a label associated with it
- BarSeries
Series of bars positioned at regular intervals
- BarSeries.Bar
A single bar in a BarSeries
- GraphCellToRender
Describes how to render a single row/column of a GraphView based on the value(s) in ISeries at that location
- HorizontalAxis
The horizontal (x axis) of a GraphView
- LegendAnnotation
A box containing symbol definitions e.g. meanings for colors in a graph. The 'Key' to the graph
- LineCanvas
Facilitates box drawing and line intersection detection and rendering. Does not support diagonal lines.
- MultiBarSeries
Collection of BarSeries in which bars are clustered by category
- PathAnnotation
Sequence of lines to connect points e.g. of a ScatterSeries
- PathAnnotation.LineF
Describes two points in graph space and a line between them
- ScatterSeries
Series composed of any number of discrete data points
- TextAnnotation
Displays text at a given position (in screen space or graph space)
- VerticalAxis
The vertical (i.e. Y axis) of a GraphView
- IAnnotation
Describes an overlay element that is rendered either before or after a series.
Annotations can be positioned either in screen space (e.g. a legend) or in graph space (e.g. a line showing high point)
Unlike ISeries, annotations are allowed to draw into graph margins
- Orientation
Direction of an element (horizontal or vertical)
- LabelGetterDelegate
Delegate for custom formatting of axis labels. Determines what should be displayed at a given label